The Saturday 7
Bad news: I have very little to write about this week. That seems to be the growing trend. I don't know why. Am I getting less interesting? Haha. I think I'm struggling a little bit with depression, which just makes me listless and lazy. So we honestly don't do much these days. Anyway, here's what I've got: 1. I bought some delicious snap pea crisps on a whim at Meijer in an effort to consume more vegetables. I actually really like them and have been inhaling them with gusto! They taste just like chips, so I tried to talk my girls into eating them too. Lucy absolutely refused, but Lena liked them. She ate 4 with dinner one night. But by the following morning, she had a terrible diaper rash - we're talking blisters . Neither of my girls has ever had a diaper rash like that before! I forgot that she's reacted to peas in the past. #badmom #veggiefail She's solid on the fruit consumption, though. My dad has a flourishing vineyard in the backyard, and Le...