
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Saturday 7

1. October is going out in style at our house: This picture is from earlier this week. After last night's freezing temps, all of those leaves are on the ground today. Haha. After a rough year, October was good to us. No accumulating snow, mild temperatures, and the nicest Halloween I ever remember. And as much as I hate winter, I'm ready to move on . . . to Christmas! Lena made this on Tuesday. šŸ˜‚ 2. Levi has been sleeping slightly better this week! Saturday night was rough, and he was up for a few hours in the middle of the night. But since then, he's gone straight to his spot on the floor when he comes in our room (which is every night). One night he came in around 3 a.m. and begged to sleep in bed with me for a long time. I told him he could when Justin got up to go to work. Levi periodically asked, "Did daddy get up yet?" for a couple hours, but slept in between. And most other nights, he only asks to get in bed once or twice. He usually asks me to cover him u...

The Saturday 7

1. Our church is attempting to put together a pictorial directory for the first time in . . . 13? 14? . . .  years.  We were warned repeatedly throughout the month of September that it was coming, and had 3 chances every Sunday in October to get our pictures taken. But Justin and I both started teaching Sunday School this month, and it's very hard for us to get all our ducks (aka children) in a row and still make it to church on time, so it's been a rough month. Last Sunday, we finally got our act together, got up on time, were all showered and wearing clean clothes, I even curled my hair. It was finally the day we were going to make it to church early enough to have our picture taken and make it to our Sunday School class on time. I told Justin I wanted to leave at 10:20. At 10:15, Levi started yelling from the couch (where he was watching Netflix on my phone), "You're getting a phone call!" When I saw that the caller was my brother, my stomach dropped in excitem...

The Saturday "7"

1. We're another week closer to election day . . . and the end of political ads/bombardment! Woohoo! The other day, Lena's class voted for something and her choice didn't win. We talked about the Daniel Tiger episode where his vote doesn't go the way he wants it to. His teacher sings a catchy little song that goes, "Turn it around and think something good." I think a lot of grown-ups are going to need to watch that episode after the election . . . regardless of who wins.  2. Levi had his first field trip on Tuesday - to a local apple orchard. Ruby got to tag along, and we had a blast. He was wearing his school-logo shirt, which is way too big. And it looked ridiculous under his coat. He loved the scavenger hunt 3. Tuesday afternoon, I finally had my "nerve scan" at the chiro. I've been getting adjustments 2-3 times a week for 10 weeks. Before the very first one, we did the initial scan, which showed how messed up I was. This week I had it done ag...