The Saturday 7
I haven't felt like blogging lately. Probably another sign I need to stop decreasing my meds. Blech. I'll regret it if I skip two weeks in a row, though, so let's see what I can muster up . . . (You're excited to read on now, aren't you?!) 1. I finished my winter semester of college classes this week. I had a 100% in all three of my classes for the majority of the semester because all of the assignments were subjective - essays, discussion board responses, etc. Once I had to answer objective questions with a clear right or wrong answer on the final exam, my grades slipped a little. It's pretty tragic . . . I have a couple weeks off before my final semester begins. I'm not really looking forward to the last few classes I have to take - mainly math and early childhood development. But I just have to pass, right? C's get degrees! 2. I went back to my regular schedule of only working on Mondays this week. I miss parts of the job, but it was nice to have so m...