The Saturday 7

Insane day. I've got 57 minutes to get this up and still legitimately call it The Saturday 7. Time to get crack-a-lackin'.

1. We had a heat wave this week. I missed our old house and its central AC a little bit. Haha. But I sure did enjoy having a pool in our backyard!

2. Lucy and I worked on the letter P this week. I did a few activities intentionally focused on P, but as you'll see, much of our week involved the letter P!

On Monday, we hosted a Pool Party. It wasn't much of a party. I just invited some of Lucy's friends over to swim. No games or activities or anything. Just the pool and some snacks.

Our other planned "P" activities included painting a picture of Pinkalicious and reading If You Give a Pig a Pancake. We never actually got around to making pancakes like I wanted to. It was just too hot.

3. On Thursday, we went to Kelly's house for a playdate with Presley. (Although that was really just a guise to spend the day in Kelly's air conditioned house!) While there, Lucy and Presley painted a purple peacock. It was a super cute craft. I'll include it in my official P entry later.

Kelly and I had fun catching up and taking pictures of our babies. When I got home, I looked up the old pictures we'd taken of Lucy and Presley as babies for comparison:

4. Today, we went to a friend's birthday party. Conveniently enough, it was a pirate-themed party! Lucy was an adorable little pirate!
I tried to teach Lucy to say, "Arggh, me matey!" She kept saying, "Arggh, me ladies!" Lol.
5. We also had family pictures this morning! Neither Lucy nor Lena were feeling particularly cooperative, but our fabulous photographer, Stacie (of staciebphotography), did a great job getting some sweet shots. She's put up a few already. Here are my favorites:

6. Lena had her first taste of baby food this week. You guessed it . . . peas! Haha. I really didn't do that intentionally. It's just what I had. She loved trying something new, but she's not real adept, and I don't think she really enjoyed the taste too much. Haha.

She had peas a couple times this week. Then on Thursday, I found the mesh feeder someone gave me for Lucy. I never used it with her, but after my research on "Baby-Led Weaning," I thought I'd try it. As I was searching for something to put in the mesh feeder, I came across some frozen banana slices I'd stuck in the freezer earlier that week. It was 95*, Lena was a sweaty mess, and I knew frozen banana would be perfect! She loved it, and chowed them right down. I'm so clever. *Pats self on back.*

7. I also spent a fair amount of time on Pinterest this week. ;-) (Had to get another P into this entry!) I'm so sick of pins like this:
Photo Credit
Seriously? Do I need the pressure to look like this when my baby is that age? Seriously? That woman has given birth? And hasn't had plastic surgery? I'm not actually depressed about this. I'm just annoyed that people pin stuff like this. Like you're seriously going to do the "post-baby body bootcamp." Sit on the couch snuggling that baby instead of working so hard to erase any evidence of her from your body!

Anyway, I hope your week was perfectly pleasant! Next week promises to be quiet and quizzical? Haha. Stay tuned! ;-)
