The Saturday 7

1. I spent all week spring cleaning . . . just a few months late. I decided to tackle a project a day that I've been putting off. I cleaned and organized the girls' desk, purged, re-organized, and vacuumed up 4 years worth of dust in my bedroom, and spent 6 hours deep cleaning and organizing our front porch (the catch-all room). Whew!

2. While I was cleaning my room, I came across a bin full of Perler beads and templates. I bought the set for Lucy for Christmas a few years ago. She showed minimal interest in it and it just sat on top of her dresser. Until the day we hosted a playdate and some of her little friends spilled the entire bin alllllll over her bedroom floor. From that day on, the beads found a new home on a high shelf in my closet . . . and were subsequently forgotten. A couple weeks ago, at the Michael's craft class, the girls did a Perler snowflake and loved it. So when I found them in my closet this week, I set it out for them and they became totally obsessed. I think Lucy did 10 of them, and Lena did probably 5 or 6.
These were just a few I found lying around the house. There are tons more upstairs in the girls' room.
It was a perfect way to keep them entertained while I was cleaning. Although I'm pretty sure I did more ironing this week than I have in my entire life. #idonotiron #thatiswhywehaveadryer

3. As part of this week's purging, I finally forced myself to accept that Levi is not a baby anymore. I boxed up all the baby toys, got rid of the Jumperoo, and moved him up into the big-boy carseat. I'm throwing away the infant carrier and crying a little on the inside. Haha. We still haven't decided if we'll ever have another baby, but that infant carrier is 7 years old and long past expired.

4. I read an awful book this week. It was one I got for free to review, but I didn't realize it was secular fiction until after I received it. I didn't like any of the characters, the writing style was confusing, the plot was non-existent, and there were a couple chapters that were really dirty. Blech. I finished Hawaii 5-0 yesterday, so I can devote more time to reading some better books.

5. My reward for all my hard work cleaning this week was a trip to the Pump House. We went like 10 times last summer, but haven't been yet this year. It was a beautiful, mild evening, so we made a night of it, and walked around downtown Rockford (with about 6,000 other people who had the same idea).
Pump House selfie. It was kind of bright. Lol.
She told me to take her picture, then posed like this. Haha. 
We walked down the boardwalk for a while, and I stopped to let Levi out of the stroller while Justin and the girls kept going.

After a while, he got concerned about his sisters and started scooting down the boardwalk to find them:

6. Today, Lena and I got to go on our date for filling her marble jar. Of course, she wanted to do the same thing as Lucy. Except all the stores Lena wanted to go to were on Alpine, so we didn't drive all the way out to the mall. She chose KFC for lunch, then we hit 5 Below, Justice, and Claire's.
And after she shopped her heart out, we went to Once Upon so I could shop my heart out. In case you're not on facebook, here's the picture of my haul from their bag sale. (I crammed all this stuff into a plastic bag and only paid $15 for all 52 pieces!)

7. Just a couple more pictures
Grocery shopping with 3 kids is the pits. Lena insists on helping push (and just gets in my way) and Lucy has to ride on the cart (reading her book). Heavy and awkward.

Levi's new obsession is hanging out like this. He does it alllll the time.
