The Saturday 7
1. I spoke too soon about the girls adjusting flawlessly to school. Lena had an absolute psychotic meltdown Monday morning. Honestly, it was what I expected last week, but when she happily went into school every day I thought we dodged a bullet. Apparently it was a delayed bullet. She cried all morning on Monday, but I figured she was just tired because she stayed up late Sunday night. I watch Ruby on Mondays, so I had a van-full when I pulled into the pick-up lane. Lena refused to get out. I bodily hauled her out onto the sidewalk while she bawled, but she kept begging me to walk into school with her. First mistake: I gave in. I parked the car, got Levi and Ruby out, and walked Lena into her classroom. I sat at her desk with her for a couple minutes and told her I'd leave in 5 minutes. When I got up to go, she lost her ever-loving mind: shrieking, wailing, rolling on the floor, clinging to my ankles. The teacher tried to kindly draw her back into the classroom, but we were beyond ...