The Saturday 7

1. My exciting news for the week is that I finished reading the entire Bible in 90 days. I didn't post about it ahead of time because of my penchant for quitting things I brag about. Lol. A group of people from church decided to read through the whole Bible in 90 days starting February 1st, and I warily joined in. I've read the Bible in a year a couple of times, but never in three short months. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle that much, but it wasn't as hard as I expected! One of our pastors made a reading schedule so that each day we read a big chunk of the Old Testament, two Psalms, and one chapter of one of the gospels. (Once we finished the OT and the Psalms, we moved on to large sections of the NT and two Proverbs a day.) It usually took me around half an hour every day, but I'm a fast reader. Because of the volume of Scripture we were supposed to read every day, it was very motivating not to get behind, so I stayed on track pretty well. I skipped a day or two here and there, but I always caught back up quickly and finished in exactly 90 days. Overall I really enjoyed it. There are parts of the Bible that are hard to get through (I'm looking at you, Leviticus and Numbers), but you march through them quickly when you read at this pace. And reading so much at once really gives you a different perspective than reading a chapter here or there. You get a much broader view of the Israelites' history and get to see themes emerge that aren't otherwise as obvious. I also appreciated that this challenge forced me to spend time in the Word every day. I'm not always the most diligent Bible reader, but the accountability of doing it with a group of people really helped me to stick with it!

2. My latest obsession has been political thrillers on Netflix. In the past couple of weeks I watched all of The Diplomat and Night Agent (both rated MA with more of the F word than I'm comfortable with, but almost no sex). And now I'm working my way through Designated Survivor. Every time I watch a show like this, I'm reminded how little I know/understand about our own government. Lol. I really should've paid more attention in high school. Thank goodness for Netflix to teach me everything I need to know. 😁

3. Stella got her sutures removed this week. The vet said her tail is healing beautifully, and hopefully her hair will grow back quickly so she doesn't look so ridiculous. Lol. She was terrified at the vet's office and burrowed behind me as soon as I took her out of the carrier. We waited at least fifteen minutes for the vet to come in, and she didn't budge from this position:

4. I have been having such stomach problems for the past 5 months that just seem to be getting worse. I went to dinner with some friends last Saturday but ended up leaving before we even ordered because my stomach was freaking out so much and I didn't want to create a scene in the restaurant. 🤦 Is this just part of getting old?? I've considered going to the doctor, but I'm afraid they're just going to tell me to do an elimination diet, and I do NOT have the self control for that. Instead, I've started keeping a food/bellyache diary to look for patterns. So far the only pattern I've noticed is that my diet is abysmal . . . but I could've told you that without recording everything I eat. I've been drinking the Plexus pink drink for a month and it hasn't helped so far, but I'm going to give it a couple more months. So many people I know swear by it. 

5. Levi had a soccer game today and . . .

He earned his McDonald's! He actually scored two goals and was so excited. Of course, immediately after scoring the first one, he turned around and yelled, "Yes! I get McDonald's!" Lol. Whatever motivates him, I guess. 

After his game, we headed over to the t-ball field to watch Nash and Nova in their first game. It was comical to say the least, but they were so adorable. 
Nash at bat

Nova (in green) running to first

Cutie pie spectators

The mostly-happy cousin crew 😂

6. That's it for this week. On to pics and memes.

The note I left for his teacher. Lol. If he can get the answer, does it really matter how? 

I only have to do recess on Mondays, but Mondays always seem to be the coldest day of the week!

Ugh. This is my ten year old.

I'm beginning to lose hope . . .


  1. I don't know the first thing about common core math, but here is my best guess on the answers they are looking for: 2 tens and 15 ones... renamed as 3 tens and 5 ones ... 30+5=35 *shrugging shoulders emoji* A different way to look at carrying numbers, maybe?


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