The Saturday 7

Oops, I forgot to post last week. I'll try to make up for it this week.

1. Honestly, it's probably for the best that I don't blog every week in February, because February is the worst and I'm ornery. I inevitably spend a couple weeks coughing, and at least one of my kids inevitably gets terribly sick. For the past two years it's been Levi - always right around Valentine's Day. Last week, Levi came down with a weird virus that caused high fevers and body aches. He had no appetite, puked when he did eat, and laid on the couch for days. The weirdest thing, though, was how it came and went. For two days he was miserable, then his fever would go away and he'd be back to normal for a few days, then it'd come back and he'd be down for three more days. He ended up missing a bunch of school, and I actually had to take two days off of work at Once Upon to stay home with him. I have intense guilt about the situation, but keep telling myself that I literally had no other choice and my kids have to take priority over my job. It turns out that 8 of his classmates plus his teacher were down with the same virus, and it lasted forever for them too.

Lena fell asleep after school one day, which never happens, so I took her temperature when she woke up and it was 101. I figured we were in for another week of fevers with her, so I kept her home from school the next day, but she woke up fever free and has been totally fine ever since! 

2. Of course all this sickness really messed up my new limits on screen time. I seriously don't know what I was thinking starting in winter - if we don't get derailed by endless snow days, it's endless sickness. I let Levi watch TV nonstop while he was down with the fever, so you can imagine how the girls felt about that. 🙄 I didn't change the Wi-Fi password this time because it's such a pain to reset everything. But Lucy totally took advantage of that and watched on her tablet all day. I'm going to try again next week - for real this time. And I'm changing the dumb password to prevent cheaters. 

3. I took advantage of the days I was home with Levi to get a bunch of stuff done. I did our taxes (we're getting less back than we ever have since having three kids 😭), and TurboTax offered me a free credit check, so I took advantage of it. I have a bad habit of signing up for credit cards just to get the sign-up perks. I use the credit card long enough to get the perks, then throw it in a drawer and forget about it. So I decided to use my credit report to see how many cards I have open. It was . . . a lot. Lol. I spent an afternoon finding all the physical cards, looking up the online accounts associated with them, and deciding which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of. Then I attempted to call and close a bunch, but of course Justin is the primary account holder on 90% of them, so I didn't get very far. He told me that I could pretend to be him, but I just can't do it. Haha. 

I also did a slew of graphic design projects for church, deep cleaned my Keurig, and got caught up on laundry! I told you guys . . . February is the worst. 

4. I also read a few books in my down time: Becky Wade's newest (she never disappoints), and a series by a new-to-me-author: Nichole Van. I saw her recommended by another of my favorite authors, so I picked it up blind and really enjoyed it! It's not Christian fiction, but it was clean (some swearing, some innuendo, nothing outrageous). Very Mimi Matthews-esque. I'm up to 9 books for the year, which Goodreads says is four books behind schedule if I'm going to make it to 100 this year. No pressure. 

5. For Valentine's Day we had our traditional dinner of Shells n' Cheese and sparkling grape juice. Justin and I bought each other candy, and I got each of the kids a little $10 gift. That night Lena helped Levi with his Valentines.

He was finally healthy enough to go back to school for his party. I was working at school that day, so I popped over to hang out for some of his party.
That dorky smile . . . 🤦

6. Levi missed his basketball game last week because he was so sick, but he was back at it today. He had pictures first, where I forked over $20 to memorialize that dorky smile from above. Then it was on to the game. He grins adorably the whole time, and attempted a couple more shots. He still hasn't made any yet, but here's hoping!

7. Wow. I'm so sorry this post was incredibly lame. Here are a few pics and mems to make up for it.

Lena with her Valentine's Day Box

Superbowl Watching Buddies

Wait . . . what?


  1. Yeah, the tax refunds will continue to go down. Trump and the Republicans enacted that to go into place at this time and over the next several years, so now it looks like Biden/Democrats did it. I’m sure many are falling for that and blaming this administration.


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