The Saturday 7

1. Lena had her long-awaited gymnastics class on Monday. She was nervous, but she actually said to me, "I know I'll be scared at first, but then I'll be fine." Y'all, that is the medicine working. I have told her that thousands of times, but she finally realized it on her own. She marched right out there with a bunch of girls she didn't know, and excelled at everything she tried. I saw the coach pull her aside a couple times, so I wasn't terribly surprised when she (the coach) came up to me at the end of class and said, "Lena has actually mastered most of what we work on in this class. I think she'd be better in the next level up." She's starting her new class Tuesday night.

2. On Tuesday, Once Upon had its Christmas party at the Whitecaps. It was a beautiful night, I didn't have to cook dinner, and we even got Lucy to come along. 

Checkout Lucy's new glasses! She inherited my bad vision, and I finally got her into the eye doctor. 

Lena and Levi loved the game, and again I could tell Lena's meds were working because she and Levi went off on their own a couple times to take pics with the mascots and get their souvenirs signed! That is major progress for her.

The Whitecaps won, and there were even fireworks afterward, so I didn't feel like we had to find someplace to go watch them on the fourth! Haha.

3. We spent Independence Day at Niki's, enjoying our freedom with a few of my favorite things: food, cards, chit-chat, and family. 
Patriotic cuties at home

Patriotic cousins at Niki's

Sparkler time

4. Justin had yesterday off, so he took the kids fishing for a few hours, while I worked on Soccer Camp stuff. It's 8 days away and I'm feeling the crunch! So much to plan, make, and do. The week before camp begins, I always question my sanity for putting myself through this, but once I get everything done I love it. Haha. 

5. The only thing we checked off our Summer Bucket List this week was the Whitecaps game. We talked about going to Nelis Dutch Village today. The weather was nice. We didn't have anything else going on. But the kids were playing nicely with NGK, and I hate being in the car for longer than 15 minutes. Lol. So we just lounged around at home instead. Actually, I spent two hours thrift shopping to my heart's content. I only bought one book! But I got some clothes for working at school. . . I'm panicking a little bit about how quickly summer is flying by. We're starting school really early this year, and I feel like summer isn't nearly long enough! 

6. Well it's almost midnight and I've got nothing else to say, so let's do two separate points for pics and memes. First up, the pictures:
The nicest family picture we've taken in years! 

With the family members who were at the wedding last weekend. What a photogenic group!

Once Upon has been madness lately, so I have been driving home as the sun is setting most nights. At least it's beautiful!

I went in a few minutes early on Friday so I could shop the 90% off sale. I got $133 worth of clothes for $13! 

7. And now the memes:
I love a good (great, excellent, superb) thesaurus joke.

The elbow in the gut. Always the elbow in the gut!

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I have to share this one every 4th of July. 😂
