The Saturday 7
1. Justin and I went to a Whitecaps game for our May date last Saturday. It was an abysmal game, but we enjoyed ice cream and people watching. The best part was the drunk guy two rows in front of us. He was already drunk when he arrived and kept hitting on two girls sitting directly in front of me. One of them was discreetly snapchatting him and sending pics to her friends with captions like "This guy is so annoying" and "such a creeper." Lol. He thought he was such hot stuff, and the girls were totally annoyed by him. Halfway through the game, he fell asleep sitting up. Being drunk looks like so much fun . . . 2. For Memorial Day, we spent a day at the cottage again. It wasn't the best weather, but that didn't deter Justin. He fished for three hours in the rain. Haha. We did have a little bit of sunshine. Lena adores riding in the kayak: We actually went to the cottage on Sunday. On Monday, Niki and the boys came over and we spent the day stuffing our...