
Showing posts from June, 2016

Levi: 4 Months

My little man is 1/3 of a way to a year! How is this possible?? He's such a happy, smiley baby. He loves attention and will smile pretty much anytime someone talks to him or plays with him. I have to be sneaky with the camera, though, because he doesn't like to smile when he sees it. Haha. He loves patty-cake (prefers doing it with his feet over his hands), so-big, and "this little piggy." He loves when I get his cheeks with his toes or when I "run" his legs. He loves it when Daddy blows raspberries on his belly or in his armpits. You never know what's going to make him giggle. Sometimes he giggles when I tickle him. Other times, he just gives me a blank stare. Haha. One night, he thought it was hilarious every time I yelped "ow!" when he kicked me. But I've tried it again since then and he wasn't amused. I spend a lot of time doing ridiculous things trying to get him to laugh because it is so adorable. He a...

The Saturday 7

1. I'm trying to be intentional about doing at least one fun craft/activity with the girls a week. This week, we did Pinterest-inspired hospital play. I found this plaster stuff on amazon to make casts out of. Lena thought it was great. Lucy didn't appreciate the mess. We also got a bunch of supplies from Niki after Tayton's brain surgery debacle - cute little masks, alcohol wipes, and syringes full of saline water. The girls thought they were awesome . Applying the cast  Poor baby with two broken legs 2. One day, I had to run to Family Dollar for something and Lucy remembered that she still had some birthday money to spend. She got this $5 sprinkler which led to hours of entertainment - and glee: I've been trying to soak in these moments. Winter lasts so long in Michigan and I dream of these fun, summer days. I love the little moments of running through the sprinkler or laying in the hammock or picking cherries. Lena picks shirtless, because she ...

The "Saturday" 7

My apologies for my tardiness. That garage sale yesterday whipped me. 1. Well, I waved the white flag and conceded defeat. I was bested by my 3 year old. I tried everything I could think of for 14 solid days and she never once peed on the potty chair. She got off the potty chair and ran away to pee on the floor 3 times. And that was when I realized I was done. I'm learning humility as my 3.5 year old refuses to submit to my will. #diapers4life 2. Since school got out, Lucy has randomly been staying up until 11:30 or midnight every night. We put her to bed by 8:30, but she stays awake up there playing and singing and listening to Odyssey or the radio. It is insane. Of course that means she sleeps in until 10:30 or 11:00 am! She's a teenager in a 6 year old's body!! I just got her a new alarm clock and set it for 8:40 am tomorrow. We'll see if she actually gets up. But we have got to get her on a normal schedule. I go to sleep before she does most nights! 3. We'...