Levi: 4 Months
My little man is 1/3 of a way to a year! How is this possible?? He's such a happy, smiley baby. He loves attention and will smile pretty much anytime someone talks to him or plays with him. I have to be sneaky with the camera, though, because he doesn't like to smile when he sees it. Haha. He loves patty-cake (prefers doing it with his feet over his hands), so-big, and "this little piggy." He loves when I get his cheeks with his toes or when I "run" his legs. He loves it when Daddy blows raspberries on his belly or in his armpits. You never know what's going to make him giggle. Sometimes he giggles when I tickle him. Other times, he just gives me a blank stare. Haha. One night, he thought it was hilarious every time I yelped "ow!" when he kicked me. But I've tried it again since then and he wasn't amused. I spend a lot of time doing ridiculous things trying to get him to laugh because it is so adorable. He a...