The Sunday 7

Because it's 11:18 pm and I should be in bed I'm going to attempt to make this snappy. Sorry it's a day late.

1. I read a non-fiction book. It was great. Scroll down to read my review and the funny quotes.

2. I got Levi's hair chopped off. It was sad. Nobody but me really likes it. Everyone preferred the curls. But he's a boy, his hair was out of control, it was time. And he's still his adorable self.
At least he's still got the dimples!
3. I've been focusing on cherishing the little moments lately. This week, Levi and I danced in the kitchen while I belted out my new favorite song. He tried to sing along and I rested my cheek on his and breathed in his sweet smell and cherished it all.

4. We hosted a fall festival at our house on Saturday. Thanks to my dad, we have some fun fall amenities - namely an orchard of exotic apples and a cider press. We invited our small group and all their kids over for a morning of cider making, games, and food. Between us 6 couples we have 15 kids. (#befruitfulandmultiply) One of the quotes from that book I read this week was a quote by Max Lucado, saying "Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast." This group of people is my feast. I'm amazed every month that God chose to bless me with them.

5. Because we love each other so much we got together again that night sans kids. Another of my feasts/blessings is an amazing family/support system. My mom was gone for the weekend and my dad doesn't change diapers, so my fabulous sister Niki came over to watch my kids and put them to bed. She's the best kind of babysitter because she's free and she brings dinner! My kids love when she comes because she's awesome and she always brings pizza. Win win!

6. I took a mini facebook hiatus for a couple days this week. My issues with jealousy and envy are out of control lately and facebook is a huge contributor. I only missed it when I was bored and just wanted to scroll aimlessly. Of course I just replaced it with Euchre on my phone. Then I was only envious of people who actually understand and enjoy that dumb Yooper game.

7. Pics
Levi's new favorite activity is lining up his cars (and wearing Grandpa's hat)
Little Miss "I Hate Gymnastics" does not stop jumping and flipping and climbing all day long.
And I get kicked in the head 47 times a day.

More of those little moments . . .
