The Saturday 7

1. I read a really good book this week:

Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley. Click on the Amazon link for a more thorough synopsis, but basically it's about parenting intentionally, and creating rhythms in the home that reinforce spiritual truths. I loved it because it's so practical. He literally gives you some scripts (that can obviously be adapted for age appropriateness, etc.) of things to say to your kids during meals and bedtime and during family devotions. I borrowed the book from my cousin, so instead of filling it with underlines and highlights, I took pages of notes in a notebook. I wish I would've read it when my kids were younger, so I could've started creating some of these habits when they were younger. It also really convicted me again about the amount of screen time we indulge in. That seems to be a recurring theme in my life lately . . . almost like God is trying to teach me something. 

2. We had another snow day on Friday. Lena's friend invited her to go jump at Altitude, and Levi just got some passes for his birthday, so he and I tagged along. 

They both finally got up the courage to do the trapeze and did it over and over again. Lena is soooo sore today. Haha.

3. Last night we went to Justin's grandma's. She lives in a retirement home with a pool in the basement, and invites us over every once in a while to swim. It's always such a treat to hang out with her. She absolutely stuffs us with food, catches us up on all the family news, and plies the kids with dessert and candy. She's in her mid 90s, but you'd never know it. She's so active and independent. I can only dream of having her mental and physical faculties at that age! 

4. I'm already off to a bad start of being physically fit in my old age. I've been having really annoying knee pain for a couple months, and over the past two weeks the arch of my foot has started killing me - especially when I first get up in the morning, or when I stand up after sitting for a long period of time. After a little Internet sleuthing, I've diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis. The two main causes are either excessive high impact exercise or being overweight. Gee, I wonder which one of those categories I fall into. Lol. How am I supposed to lose weight when I can hardly walk, though? #oldpeopleprobs

5. When I was a kid, my dad always took me out on a date for my birthday. Justin and I have tried to carry on that tradition with our kids, but we're the worst about doing it in a timely manner. Justin finally took Lena on her date last weekend. She chose ice skating and KFC. 

Today, was my turn to take Levi on a date. Justin suggested taking him to the Ultimate Sport Show downtown, but I don't drive downtown, and that's really more of Justin's scene than mine, so all three of us ended up going. I think Levi's favorite part was navigating the map. Haha.

Consulting the map

After the sport show, we went out to Terrytown RV to see some classic cars, and marvel at the million dollar motorhomes. They had this free arcade in their waiting room. Levi could've played in there the whole day.

Red Robin for dinner

6. One more book recommendation since I don't have anything else. 
The Songs of a Warrior by Katy Morgan

I saw this advertised on facebook and was immediately intrigued since I just finished reading about David's life in my devotions, and I've been on a Biblical fiction kick lately. I love the idea of kids' Biblical fiction - to make the Bible stories come alive. I bought it this week, intending to read it to Levi, but after reading it myself decided it's a little too scary/gory/advanced for him. That said, I'd still recommend it for older kids - like 10 year old range. It stays very true to the Biblical narrative, and the author includes a section at the end that explains anything she added. 

7. Memes of the Week

Yeah, my will to live is not that strong.


This is Justin and me every Friday and Saturday night. Haha.

