The Saturday 7ish
1. Last week of summer break! I've made it pretty clear that I'm ready for school to start. I'm looking forward to getting into a routine, but I will definitely miss sleeping in. I had to get up early for an 8 a.m dentist appointment this week and I thought I was going to die. Next week is going to be real rough - especially on Lucy, who regularly sleeps until 1:00 in the afternoon! 2. About that dentist appointment . . . I have four cavities! 😲😬 Apparently all that Dr Pepper is finally catching up to me. In truth, the hygienist said it's almost impossible to prevent cavities in molars with deep pits like mine. She said I'm doing a great job brushing/flossing (which is hilarious), and the cavities aren't super deep. They just want to fill them before they get worse. So I get to go in for four fillings in October. The last time I got a filling, I had a reaction to the lidocaine and went a little crazy in the office. Do you think I can take xanax before the appo...