The Saturday 7ish

1. Last week of summer break! I've made it pretty clear that I'm ready for school to start. I'm looking forward to getting into a routine, but I will definitely miss sleeping in. I had to get up early for an 8 a.m dentist appointment this week and I thought I was going to die. Next week is going to be real rough - especially on Lucy, who regularly sleeps until 1:00 in the afternoon!

2. About that dentist appointment . . . I have four cavities! 😲😬 Apparently all that Dr Pepper is finally catching up to me. In truth, the hygienist said it's almost impossible to prevent cavities in molars with deep pits like mine. She said I'm doing a great job brushing/flossing (which is hilarious), and the cavities aren't super deep. They just want to fill them before they get worse. So I get to go in for four fillings in October. The last time I got a filling, I had a reaction to the lidocaine and went a little crazy in the office. Do you think I can take xanax before the appointment and still get the gas? Or is that a little too many controlled substances at one time? Stay tuned. 

3. Our final hurrah for summer was a trip to Michigan's Adventure on Tuesday. Justin took the day off a week ago so we didn't know what the weather would be like. But we purposely waited until most of the other schools around us had started so that it would be less busy. The weather was beautiful for the amusement park - a little chilly for the water park. And I've never seen it less crowded! We had to wait in some lines, but never for long. It was great! Sadly, Lucy wasn't feeling well so she didn't come with us, but she went earlier this year with some friends, so she at least got to go once this summer. It was Levi's first time, and he totally surprised me with his willingness to try the rides! Lena, unsurprisingly, was afraid of everything, and had to be coaxed onto every ride. There were some she put her foot down on and refused to try no matter the amount of coaxing, but she loved everything she tried. Levi went on Zach's Zoomer, the Funnel of Fear, and the Corkscrew! He ended up hitting his head on the Corkscrew and came off with a major headache, so that was a fail, but he loved everything else! Lena loved the little kid rides in the "Camp Snoopy" area. And I managed to go on all the spinny rides with her without losing my lunch! Take that, old age! 

Before the kiddie coaster. She was so nervous, but ended up loving it and went on it like four times!

Mean muggin' in front of a cool car

They were both so excited for the bumper cars, but then ended up hating them. Haha. Way too rough.

It was a super fun, exhausting day. It was also expensive. Between tickets, parking, a locker, and food, we spent a lot of money. This is definitely a "once every few years" treat. I was disappointed because my favorite water slides were closed, but we still had a blast. And Justin's hopeful that he'll have at least one kid to ride roller coasters with him as they get older! Lucy and Lena are a bit too much like me in that respect. Haha. 

4. Even with smaller crowds than usual, Michigan's Adventure is a prime location for people watching. I'm always amazed at the swimsuits people wear. There were quite a few women in full-on burkhas, some wearing leggings and tank tops as swimsuits, and then a whole lot of bikinis. I'm extremely self-conscious about my stomach after having three kids and gaining a bunch of weight. I have what I affectionately call "elephant butt" skin because my stomach basically looks like a deflated balloon. Subsequently, I would never show it off in a bikini. But there were many women at the water park who had no such reservations. I can't imagine having that much confidence. I guess all those "body positivity" campaigns are doing their job! 

5. My depression was marginally better this week. We stayed busy, and I upped my dose of Zoloft again. I feel like an idiot every time I have to send my doctor a message saying, "Can you refill my prescription at a different dosage again?" Oh well. You gotta do what you gotta do. It's not fair to my kids to having a raging monster of a mom just because I have too much pride to take the amount of Zoloft my dumb brain needs. 

6. That's all I've got for today. Enjoy these memes. 

From my sister Libby. It's like she knows me or something. 😂


The name of the account is "fake library statistics," but this librarian can personally confirm the truth of this one!
