The Saturday 7

Well folks, it's Saturday again. Or should I say . . . Caturday? 

I'm hilarious.

1. This week I only had to work three days instead of four and it was glorious. Lucy had to get a tooth pulled on Wednesday, and it didn't make sense for me to go into work for just three hours so I took the whole day off. With my time off I've been watching training videos to become a buyer at Once Upon a Child. It's quite the involved process and took a good chunk of time. I had to laugh when this slide came up: 

Remember the meme I just shared last week?

2. Want to see something gross?

(That's Lena giving the thumbs up. My hands aren't that small.)

I woke up one day last week with a ton of spider bites. These ones on the back of my arm look the worst, but I also have a cluster in my armpit and some on my chest. They itch so bad, and it's been at least ten days since I got them! 

I just don't understand what happened while I was sleeping. One spider just munched his way down my arm and then across my chest? Do spiders even eat that much human flesh in one sitting? *shudder* My cousin said I probably swallowed it in my sleep, and I said, "I hope so! That's what he deserves for feasting on me!" 

3. I realized something this week as I was scrolling through Instagram in search of epic memes for y'all. I wish I could filter out certain types of Instagram posts - namely the homesteaders and the Indians. Lol. That sounds bad. By "Indians" I mean, posts in the Indian language. Why do I get so many of them??? I know I'm targeted for the homesteaders because I follow a lot of "Christian woman" content, and homesteading is the new Proverbs 31. I don't have anything against anyone who wants to go dye-free or make their own sourdough bread. A lot of my friends actually fall in that camp. But I have zero interest in any of it, and all the reels of women in their aprons just make me feel guilty. I'd like to apply a filter to Instagram that only allows funny videos and wholesome Christian content. Is that so much to ask? 

4. You know what I haven't been doing on my days off lately? Reading. Ever since school started I've fallen out of the habit of reading for pleasure - partly because I don't have as much leisure time, but also just because nothing seems to hold my interest. I've started and abandoned three or four books in the past month. That's so unlike me! My Goodreads goal for the year is 100, but I'm only at 64. Think I can zip through 36 books in three months? 😬 I mean, I do work best under pressure, so I'm not totally ruling it out. 

5. That's all I've got for today. Sorry for being so lame. Please enjoy these pics and memes as consolation.

Found on my phone

My snuggle buddy is back. She always used to lay on me like this, but she hasn't in months. I don't know if she's back at it because it's colder, or because I was wearing a fleece sweatshirt and soft blanket, but I enjoy it. 

Paw Patrol movie! (Lucy's just in it for the popcorn)

This car track has been sitting untouched in Levi's room for years. I hauled it out for the garage sale, but it didn't sell. So it's been sitting in the garage for over a month. I got it back out today to take a picture for facebook marketplace, and look who suddenly spent an hour playing with it! #neverfails

Today I said something to Levi about going to the movies when I was a kid, and he responded, "There were movie theaters when you were a kid?!" 🤦

And finally, a couple of posters I'm highly considering adding to my library decor . . .
