
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Saturday 6

Oh man, I need to crank this one out quickly. 1. I spent two days thrifting this week. I found some excellent books, some cute sweaters, and a pair of jeans that actually fit really well. They're Lee brand, and I almost put them back on the rack because I have an aversion to Lee. It's what my mom always wore, and I'm not on board with "mom jeans." Honestly, Lee is probably the new Levi's if trends continue as they have, so maybe I'm ahead of the game! Anyway, thrifting always brings out this weird urge in me to start wearing absurd t-shirts. Is it my age? I don't care what people think about me anymore? Is it the kick I get out of the random shirts I find? I don't know, but the impulse is growing stronger every day. I mean look at these treasures I found this week . . . Seriously, though. This begs so many questions. These shirts were just a few apart from each other. Think the same person brought them in?? Pickleball reference? It's funnier if

The Saturday 7

 1. Lena felt better on Sunday so we were able to enjoy one more day of camping.  Levi took a selfie with every dog in the vicinity. Lol. Despite their best efforts, it was really too cold to swim. We participated in the infamous turtle races. The boys' turtle won. Which means the girls lost. Bananagrams in the cabin They decided to share the bottom bunk for our last night. Fortunately, there was no puking, and they slept great all night! 2. Monday afternoon, after we got home and unpacked, Justin and Levi decided to go fishing. Levi was actually reluctant to go because he says he never catches anything, but we strongly encouraged him just to get him out of the house/away from the TV. When they got home, I asked if he caught anything, and he said, "Nothing much . . . except this!" and pulled Justin's phone out from behind his back with this picture: He caught it all by himself, but Justin held it for the picture because apparently Pike have wicked teeth. He was sooooo