The Saturday 6

Oh man, I need to crank this one out quickly.

1. I spent two days thrifting this week. I found some excellent books, some cute sweaters, and a pair of jeans that actually fit really well. They're Lee brand, and I almost put them back on the rack because I have an aversion to Lee. It's what my mom always wore, and I'm not on board with "mom jeans." Honestly, Lee is probably the new Levi's if trends continue as they have, so maybe I'm ahead of the game! Anyway, thrifting always brings out this weird urge in me to start wearing absurd t-shirts. Is it my age? I don't care what people think about me anymore? Is it the kick I get out of the random shirts I find? I don't know, but the impulse is growing stronger every day. I mean look at these treasures I found this week . . .

Seriously, though. This begs so many questions.

These shirts were just a few apart from each other. Think the same person brought them in??

Pickleball reference? It's funnier if it's about actual pickles.

The problem is that sometimes I'm woefully naive, and I'd probably start wearing a shirt with a nefarious meaning that I'm oblivious to. I did give in and buy this one from Temu . . .
I get comments from random strangers every time I wear it. Lol.

2. Speaking of being old . . . I have suddenly started seeing so many articles and facebook posts and instragram reels about perimenopause. I'd never even heard of it until recently. Is it a newly coined term that is gaining popularity or am I just being targeted by the internet because of my advancing age?? 🤔👵

3. Raise your hand if it's only September but you're sick of politics!

I didn't watch the debate on Tuesday, but I'm horrified by some of the responses I've seen on social media. This one in particular makes me rage . . .

It was obviously written by a Trump supporter, trying to make the point that Trump isn't treated fairly (and I tend to agree), but the bottom two lines are what kill me . . . they're both liars! We're supposed to read this and think, "Ooooh, Harris lied more. Trump is a better candidate." But they're both lying through their teeth every time they're given a microphone! How is this ok?? 

I've probably said it before, but I'm going to say it again. No one is choosing a candidate based on their actual platform. People vote based on narratives. The liberal narrative says Trump will eliminate democracy (which is rich coming from a party that is running a candidate literally no one voted for - not sure how democratic that is). The conservative narrative says Kamala will run our country into the ground and only Trump can save us. Somehow people align themselves with a party, and then they stick to it no matter what. They justify everything their candidate says because they're so convinced that the other side is evil. All of these debates and campaign ads and news features only add fuel to the fire of hatred and division. I don't have any solutions. I'm just beginning to despair for our country, and I'm agonizing a little bit over whether or not I want to vote at all! 

4. Actually, Trump's VP pick is coming to my town of 4,000 people this week. So random. I guess he's trying to appeal to the agricultural hicks. (Newsflash: they're already on his side.) His rally is literally one mile from my house. I can't even imagine how it's going to affect our traffic. 🤯 Thankfully, we drive the opposite direction to school. Oy with the poodles already. (Name that TV show!)

5. Today, Justin, Levi, and Lena got to go to their first ever college football game! The assistant coach on Justin's soccer team has season tickets, and he had a few extras for today's game that he offered to Justin! Levi was soooooo excited - even if it was the Michigan team we usually don't root for. 🤫 I ran to Once Upon to get Levi some gear, and dug an old t-shirt out of my drawer that someone gave to me years ago for Lena. 

It was smoking hot, but they had a blast!


While they were gone, Lucy and I went thrift shopping and got Culver's. It was nice to have some one on one time with her, even if I have to buy her affection. 🤷

6. Pics and memes because it's already after midnight!

Mustache night at church on Wednesday

We attempted to have cousins day at the pool this week, but the pool heater wasn't working so these wimps spent most of their time in the hot tub. Haha.

After I took that pic, I looked down to see the shape of Michigan on the concrete in front of the hot tub! Do you see it?

Now that's my kind of Halloween decor!!! (If you don't get it, I suggest reading the book of Ezekiel in the Bible.)

Worth it.
