The Saturday 7

 1. Lena felt better on Sunday so we were able to enjoy one more day of camping. 

Levi took a selfie with every dog in the vicinity. Lol.

Despite their best efforts, it was really too cold to swim.

We participated in the infamous turtle races. The boys' turtle won.

Which means the girls lost.

Bananagrams in the cabin

They decided to share the bottom bunk for our last night. Fortunately, there was no puking, and they slept great all night!

2. Monday afternoon, after we got home and unpacked, Justin and Levi decided to go fishing. Levi was actually reluctant to go because he says he never catches anything, but we strongly encouraged him just to get him out of the house/away from the TV. When they got home, I asked if he caught anything, and he said, "Nothing much . . . except this!" and pulled Justin's phone out from behind his back with this picture:
He caught it all by himself, but Justin held it for the picture because apparently Pike have wicked teeth. He was soooooo excited. 

3. Then it was back to school for everyone. Lena continues to get a little better every day. Thursday was the first day she didn't complain about going at all in the morning. Lucy doesn't have much to say about school . . . or anything . . . I'm enjoying my library classes, even if one of my pre-k kids did pee on my floor this week, and Levi . . . oh Levi . . .

My sisters and I have a snapchat group. On Friday Esther sent us a screenshot of an email from Ruby's teacher saying, "Ruby's doing so well. She's so kind, and such a hard worker." Libby responded, "Yay, Ruby! I got an email from school today that Nash fell on the concrete during recess and has a nickel sized bump on his forehead, but no signs of concussion." And I responded, "I got an email from school this week that Levi's having a hard time obeying and being respectful." 🤦🤦🤦 He keeps me humble. . . . I told him the first email was his warning, but from now on if I get any negative emails from his teacher, he will be writing apology notes in his best handwriting. I really hope that's a good enough incentive for him to behave, because enforcing that punishment is going to be brutal.

4. I saw this thing on Pinterest about how kids today don't know common cliches. (In fairness, I don't know some of these either.) I thought it'd be fun to try with Levi. He had some good answers! Haha.
I gave him the first part, he filled in the end - after the ellipses.
5. I read a book while we were camping: The Lily of Ludgate Hill by Mimi Matthews. It was good, but it was only my 33rd book of the year. I'm definitely not going to make my goal this year. I've been in like a six-month reading slump. Nothing really strikes my fancy anymore. I finished another book today, but out of the 34 books I've read this year only one has been a five-star read! What a dud of a year. 

6. While I was finishing book 34 today, Lena was also reading in the living room:

And then this happened!

It was a graphic novel, but I'm of the opinion that graphic novels count as reading. There were still words he had to decipher! His fluency has definitely gotten better over the past few months, but I still wouldn't say he's proficient, and reading is not necessarily something he enjoys. Here's hoping I'll make a reader out of him yet!

7. Pics and memes:

Justin taught Lena and Levi how to mow the lawn this week. Talk about anxiety! 😬
