The Saturday 7
1. Good news, guys. We finally transitioned Levi out of the pack n' play in our room to his crib upstairs. We tried for the first time last Saturday, and it was an epic fail. He screamed forever and we finally caved and brought him back downstairs. Sunday night we went to a "concert" at church and kept him up way past his bedtime, so he fell right to sleep when I laid him in the crib that night. But after going up the stairs 3 times between 11:40 and midnight to replace his binky, I finally brought him back downstairs. Monday night he slept all night in his crib for the first time! And he's continued to do well since then. I usually have to go up once or twice to help him find his Binky (I need a bumper for the crib so he can't push them out onto the floor!), and I think I'm going to need to get some blackout curtains, because he's been waking up ridiculously early, but for the most part, he's doing great! 2. He's also making progress with his...