The Saturday 7
1. This week, Lucy and I worked on letter E. We made an envelope E and an eyeball e: Lucy did not want her picture taken while she was making it: 2. Lena woke up with a nasty cold on Wednesday. Throughout the night on Tuesday I noticed her snorting and choking a lot, and when I got her out of bed Wednesday morning I realized why. She was so stuffed up and gagging on her snot. Plus her eyes were a watery mess. Poor baby. I became pretty adept with the nasal aspirator this week! Fortunately, she reacted to her sickness by sleeping a ton, and got over it very quickly. She's still a little snotty, but for the most part, she's healthy again. 3. I think I got a form of her cold in my eye on Thursday. It was totally bloodshot and hurt like the dickens. I told Justin I felt like there was a piece of glass lodged under my eyelid scratching my eyeball! Fortunately, I saved the eye drops the doctor gave me last time I got pink eye, used those for a couple days, and it seems to...