David, Goliath, Marshmallows, and Pizza

This week, we got back on the Bible Lesson bandwagon, and learned about David:

First we talked about David's occupation as a shepherd (and discussed a little bit how Jesus is like a shepherd too). I utilized one of Sally Clarkson's suggestions from The Mission of Motherhood and let Lucy work on the sheep craft while I read the story. Usually I make her listen to the story before beginning the craft, but she listened so much better when she had something to keep her occupied (gluing cotton balls to a sheep outline).

Lena got in on the action too. That white stuff above her lip isn't snot - it's glued on cotton. Haha. 
The Jesus Storybook Bible has a good story about how God chose David to be King over all his taller, stronger brothers, so we read that while Lucy worked on her sheep. Then we talked about how we don't have to be the fastest or tallest or strongest or prettiest or coolest. We only have to love Jesus to be used by him. And God chose David because he loved Him. I pulled out my stellar drawing skillz to make this picture of David and his brothers:

I had Lucy arrange them from tallest to smallest (which was actually a lot harder for her than I thought it would be), then asked her which one David was. She picked the smallest and we crowned him King. (P.S. I know David had 6 brothers. I didn't have room on my piece of paper. Haha.)

The next day, we started in on David and Goliath. I found a wealth of inspiration on Pinterest (including this post which really got my wheels turning).

I knew I wanted to illustrate for Lucy how big Goliath really was, so we rolled out the kraft paper, measured 9 feet with a tape measure, then drew a very formidable giant. We taped it with painter's tape to the wall in the dining room (the only room in the house with a tall enough ceiling - haha).
I couldn't back up far enough to get a very good picture. 
We each stood by Goliath and measured ourselves against his height. Lucy couldn't believe she only came up to his knees! As soon as Daddy got home from work, she insisted we measure him too.

We had a good talk about how David was small, but God gave him courage and boldness. I pointed out that all David's bigger, stronger brothers were too afraid to fight Goliath, but God used David even though he was little. And God can use us no matter how big or smart we are (or aren't). Then came the best part:

I told Lucy to find something to serve as her shepherd's pouch. (The link I shared above has an idea to make your own, but we're definitely not that crafty and have a plethora of bags lying around anyway.) Then I spread a bunch of "stones" (marshmallows) out on the table. I told Lucy to pick 5 stones and throw them at Goliath!
She loved it!
I let her eat the first five marshmallows, then she threw the rest of the bag at Goliath. Lena was happy to serve as the catcher:
Happy giant-slayers. :-)
I also found this cool David and Goliath maze for Lucy to do after the marshmallows had all been eaten by Lena picked up.

She's been obsessed with mazes lately, so I was excited to find this website with a bunch of Bible themed ones. She actually zipped through the first two "easy" ones so quickly, I printed off a "hard" one. She said, "This one is tricky!" but she finished it in less than 30 seconds!

We finished our lesson today with a viewing of Veggie Tales' Dave and the Giant Pickle. In the movie, Dave brings his brothers pizza for lunch. We figured it was only appropriate that we have pizza as well.

When we prayed for our lunch I thanked God for giving David courage and helping him to do big things even though he was little. Afterward, Lucy said, "Were David and Goliath real?" Wow. Parenting fail. Apparently she thinks I've just been teaching her fun fictional stories. We talked about how all the stories in the Bible actually happened and the people were real. I did clarify, however, that Goliath wasn't really a giant pickle. He was a giant man. Haha.

Our verse for the week was Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength." (NIRV)


  1. Don't feel like a failure because she thought the stories were fictional! Our world is confusing to kids when real historical stories and fictional stories are everywhere all the time! She asked and you clarified :)

    You do the coolest crafts and activities! Can I send my kids to your house for school??


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