The Saturday 7

1. I made another verse poster and had it printed at Wal-Greens for free thanks to a code my friend Cara shared with me! Now I just need to find a frame and place to hang it:
Love it!
2. Articles I read this week:
A hilarious take on bedtime. - I identified with so much of this. I was just thinking earlier this week that I need to manage my e
xpectations with bedtime. I expect to get Lucy upstairs by 8:15, in bed by 8:30, and have the rest of the evening to myself. When that invariably doesn't happen, I get so frustrated and annoyed. I need to learn not to expect time to myself until after 9.

If You're Feeling Overlooked and Underappreciated  - This is from the daily devotionals Proverbs 31 Ministries sends me. I don't struggle that much with feeling overlooked and underappreciated, but I do struggle with the menial, monotonous daily tasks of life. I tell myself all the time, what this article reiterates: this is my job right now. This is what God has called me to for this moment. Do it for his glory.

Have You Been Poisoned? - This is from my pastor's blog. You all know how much I struggle with envy and jealousy. He gave some good reminders about how cultivating a jealous attitude can grow into bitterness. And I loved what he said about accepting God's sovereignty. I'm jealous that my friends have money. At this point in my life, though, God has called me to be "poor." I should take comfort in the fact that it's out of my control. I'm not explaining it as eloquently as Pastor Chris did. Go read his article for yourself.

3. This week, I decided to make homemade chicken alfredo pizza. In an effort to be budget-conscious, I figured I'd just make my own pizza crust. I've seen 100 million pins on pinterest about "the easiest homemade pizza dough ever - you'll never go back to storebought!" Lies. All lies. Don't get me wrong. It was delicious. But not worth the trouble. I even used the bread maker to cut out some of the steps and it was still too much work for me. Kneading, resting, rolling, resting. Nope. Next time I'm going to spend the 3 bucks and buy it pre-made.

The top right corner was pepperoni with red sauce for Lucy because I knew she'd never eat chicken alfredo (especially not with spinach and peppers on it!). She licked one bite and said, "I just like the kind we buy. Not the kind you make." Ha! Don't worry. It didn't go to waste. Lena ate the entire pepperoni section!

4. In case you missed it, I did another installment of "A Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Mom" this week. It was actually kind of reassuring to see it all written down. I always wonder how I can get nothing done all day. Really, all I got done that day was some laundry (didn't even fold it all), dishes, a short craft with Lucy, and dinner. But I did a lot of kissing owies, playing house, confiscating things from sneaky Lena, and cleaning up mess after mess after mess. 

5. The craft I did with Lucy was in response to our Bible story about how David wrote the Psalms. She's been really into rhyming lately, so I decided we'd write our own poems (Psalms). I made up a few phrases and had her complete them. Then I had her write the first letter of each rhyming word, and finally we did a more spiritual one to be like David. :-)

 I went to switch over the laundry and came back to this:

I said, "Wow - look at all your letters." Lucy replied, "You have to answer the question." I said, "What question?" So she sounded out the words for me. "What [wt] makes [mx] a [o] peep [py]." Her first sounded out sentence!!! She gets confused about the letter y. Because it makes an "eee" sound in her name, she thinks you can use it to make that sound everywhere. Regardless, I was so proud!!

6. So I finally got on the diet and exercise bandwagon this week. I had a (really obvious) revelation that I'm not powerless to change. If I don't like my body, I can do something about it. Duh! The facebook group I'm a part of is doing a challenge for the month of April, and I really enjoy competition, so I decided to join. I'm not really sure I knew what I was getting myself into. Haha. We're doing daily challenges (like eat a meal with 3 colors in it, drink a specified amount of water, share a picture of your day's healthy snack) and weekly challenges (3 days with 30 minutes of exercise). And we're doing this daily thing that is probably going to kill me:

I've stuck with it so far, but we're only on day 5. It'll be exciting to see if I notice any change! I've also been logging my calories into They only give me 1200 calories a day because I'm basically sedentary, but I feel good if I stay under 1500 for the day.

7. One of my 30 minute exercises for this week was walking the middle school track with a few of my friends and their kids. The kids had a great time running around like hooligans, and us moms had fun pushing the strollers and chatting while we burned some calories. We really need to make it a weekly habit. So grateful for good friends with kids my kids' age. How cute are they?


  1. Hey I just made homemade pizza for dinner tonight. My bread machine recipe is really easy, put all the ingredients in, choose the settings, and an hour later take it out and roll it out. No extra steps.

    Lucy is amazing with her letters and words!! Abby still prefers to draw pictures of people and things instead of practicing letters. But my mom has books I "wrote" and illustrated when I was 4, very similar to what Lucy is doing. How fun!

    I've noticed your myfitnesspal activity. :) In my MOPS group this week we had a speaker talk about health and fitness, and a few of us re-joined and re-committed to keeping track of what we eat and try to exercise more.


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