The Saturday 7 - on Thursday!

1. You're getting a special advance version of the Saturday 7 this week because I'll be gone for the weekend. I'm going to Muskegon for a mini-retreat with some of the ladies from Bible Study. Of course, we're supposed to have our first big snow storm this weekend, so we'll see how well that turns out. Haha.

2. I got some bad news about my job this week. My boss got a new part time job, meaning less hours for me. Subsequently, she'll be making less money, so they can't afford to pay me as much. I'll be working less and making less per hour. Faaaabulous.

3. Lucy threw up again on Tuesday. She was shoveling macaroni in her mouth when all of the sudden she stopped, started crying, and regurgitated every bite she'd just eaten. This is the first time it's happened while she's eating, so I don't think I can blame it on eating too quickly. I called the doctor later that day and she said it's probably still just after-effects from the flu and to give it another week.

4. One of the things I loved about my van when I bought it was that it plays videos for my backseat passengers. Of course, my van was made in 1999, so it only plays VHS's. The other day Chase wanted to watch "Spy Kids." I told him my van probably couldn't play it and he responded enthusiastically, "Yes it can! It's a rectangle movie!" Haha.

5. So my sister started a theological debate on facebook this week. She asked the question, "Are all sins the same? For instance, is it just as bad to speed as it is to drink underage?" I don't think all sins are the same. (John 19:11) But I do think the two she mentioned can be categorized together. Why is it wrong to speed? Because it's breaking a local law (Romans 13). Why is it wrong to drink underage? Because it's breaking a local law. Honestly, I judge people who drink underage. But I speed every day without a second thought. Soooo . . . Niki and I are both feeling kind of convicted and have been trying not to speed. It is so hard. It just does not seem like a big deal to me. I don't think it's hurting anyone or that God really cares if I go 60 instead of 55. But I also think we take sin way too casually. What do you think?

6. Lucy turned 20 months old yesterday. So crazy. I've been meaning to make a list of all the words she knows, so I guess I'll do it now. Actually, she'll parrot a lot of words if I tell her to say them, but these are the words she really uses on her own: bye, ball, baby, naked (nay-nay), hi, please (nee), fish, cheese, Lyla, Chase, kitty, yeah, uh-oh, all done, Dora (she only says it in threes: "Dora Dora Dora!"), and whoa! I think that's about it. I'm on the fence about whether or not she says "mama" and "dada." Once in a while, she'll walk around the house saying "maaaamaaaa" but she doesn't really call either of us anything. So do you think those are enough words for a kid her age? And is it ok that she has yet to put two words together to make a sentence? I'm trying so hard not to be stressed about how little she talks.

7.  Libby brought over some old stuff of mine that she found in her closet this week. One of them was a photo album I had started making of my life. We found a couple pictures of me when I was like 2 that look identical to Lucy. It's amazing how much she looks like me. But we also found a piece of paper that had my height and weight when I was 2 1/2. I don't remember the height, but I only weighed 22 lbs! Lucy definitely doesn't get that from me. Haha. She weighs 21 lbs now. Porky. ;-)

Ok, I have got to get crack a lackin' with the packing and laundry and preparation for this weekend! Enjoy the snow, everyone!


  1. I read this when you posted it and I've been thinking about your #5 on and off for the past couple of days. I think I generally agree with you, and I definitely want to make it clear that if you have felt a conviction not to speed, then far be it from me to try to talk you out of that conviction. I would never want to do that. That being said, here's what I thought...

    I think that when it comes to judgment day, God will judge some harsher than others, and that some sins will be judged as worse than others (as you alluded to). But God sees the minds and intentions of man when we see only the outside actions. So He will judge based on the hidden things, not just what was done on the outside. In both the Old and New Testaments there are instances of someone breaking laws/rules (God's laws even), and not being condemned for it (for example: David and his men eating the showbread, or Jesus' disciples picking grain on a sabbath, or even Jesus himself healing on the sabbath). In all these instances, what was called to light was their heart's intentions, not the actions themselves.

    Years ago I was traveling with some friends on a roadtrip. We had two cars following each other, and one guy was probably speeding five miles over, while the other refused to go more than one or two below the speed limit. At one point the faster driver said to the slower that he needed to keep up and push it a little more. The slower guy replied that he wasn't going to do that, that speeding was wrong. For all intents and purposes, it seemed as though he was more righteous--was following a higher standard--whatever you want to call it. But later we all found out that this slower driver (who had been very reckless in the past) had so many points on his license that one more infraction would cause it to be taken away. So was he refusing to speed because of a great righteous conviction? Probably not.

    I don't know if that story is a great illustration, all I'm trying to say is that there is more going on than meets the eye. In our eyes, the person who speeds while driving a pregnant woman to the hospital to deliver a baby is not as guilty as the road-raged maniac who is weaving in and out of traffic because the world around them is in their way. But if you couldn't see inside either car, you might judge them the same way. Thankfully (and sometimes scarily!), God sees what we don't. I guess that's all I'm trying to say. :) Hopefully some of it made sense!!

  2. Also--had no idea that was so long before I published it. Surprise, surprise. :) And I have a friend here whose baby was born the same time as Lucy and that child (girl) probably says about the same amount of words--so nothing to worry about! :)

  3. I think she's totally fine verbally! There is a HUGE range of "normal" in that area -- and sentences often don't come until age 2 or later. Sounds to me like she communicates what she needs to just fine;)
    Hope she feels better soon or that they figure out what's causing it, poor girl -- and poor you! Clean up is no fun:(
    I'm so sorry about your job -- that really stinks to get fewer hours AND less pay...ugh.

  4. I was just thinking about the speeding "sin" the other day! I do think there are lots of sins that we don't even notice because they're so commonplace.

    As for all sins being the same, I don't believe that. God sets some aside as "detestable," and some aside that "lead to death." So no, I don't believe that all sins are equal. HOWEVER, in the end I think the point of believing that all sins are the same is the fact that ANY sin, no matter how small, can keep you out of the perfection of heaven.

    My van has a VHS player too!! ...well it did, and then it stopped working. But we got a little DVD player hooked up in there and it works great! Upgrade! ;)

    I think that's a totally fine number of words for Lucy's age! I know several kids who said ZERO words until they were two, and they're totally on-target now. No worries :) Oh, and O definitely didn't use Mama and Dada correctly for a looong time after he started saying other things. And just started putting words together the last few months.

    Sorry about your job :/ Bla.

    I hope you have a fabulous retreat!!


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