The Saturday 7

1. This is my 100th post. I think it's been less than a year since I started this blog. Go me. :-)

2. I only worked 2 days again this week. I think that's going to be my new normal. It's amazing to be a mostly stay-at-home mom, but our bank account is severely suffering as a result. We have to live in this house for 3 years since we took the $8,000 first time home buyer's tax credit when we bought it. It'll be 3 years in June, and I'm seriously considering buying a much cheaper house. If we could cut our house payment in half, I might be able to stay at home full time. That said, Justin isn't totally on board with selling our house. So we'll see . . .

3. Lucy had 2 random puking episodes this week. I think it's been almost a month since she had the flu, so I don't understand what this puking is about. The first time was at Niki's house for my extended family Christmas. It was crowded and hot, and she had eaten a lot. So I figured it was just a fluke. Then a few days later, Lucy, Lyla, and I were headed to the library. She was sitting in her carseat reading books, when all of a sudden she started to cry and subsequently chuck. 

Some people suggested it might be allergies - which has crossed my mind too. Part of me wonders if she's developing some kind of lactose intolerance? But I just think it's weird that it didn't show up until she got the stomach flu. Too coincidental. I reeeeeeally hope she's not lactose intolerant. Cheese is like 80% of her diet.

4. I had a dream last night that Justin and I were dating and I was meeting his family for the first time. He had 14 brothers and sisters - and they all lived in Germany. One of them was Giselle Bundchen. And one of them was a girl named Hunter whose boyfriend worked at Jimmy John's - for some reason that was a very important part of the dream. Lol. My brain is psycho.

5. I wrote about this on facebook, but I want to record it here, too. A funny memory from this week: On Monday, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Niki's birthday. (With ham dinner - the best thing ever.) As we were all getting ready to leave, I heard Luke shout "fire!" Lol. My dad was moving some stuff around in the kitchen, and accidentally set mine and Lucy's coats on a burning candle. Hers just burned a little on the inside, so she can still wear it. But mine burned on the collar and a bunch of the stuffing came out. Fortunately, I have an extra, so it really wasn't much of a loss. Just another hilarious memory made. :-)

6. Justin and I went on a date last night. I had an Olive Garden gift card burning a hole in my wallet, and I really didn't want to make dinner, so we decided to make good use of it. We usually bring Lucy with us when we go out, but I was honestly a little worried she'd puke in the restaurant and make a scene. Plus, Justin and I haven't had much one on one time lately, so we decided to pawn her off - which is never difficult. She was happy to go to Aunt Niki's house, and Justin and I had a great time stuffing our faces. 

We tried to think of something to do after eating, but everything costs money - which we don't have. Plus, my contact ripped in half at Olive Garden, so I was half blind. So we just went home at 7:30 like a couple of old people and watched 30 Rock on DVD. 

7. I just started Forgotten God by Francis Chan today. I've only read one chapter, but so far, I really like it. At least, I really identify with what Chan says. On page 35, he asks his readers to think of a time when they undeniably saw the Spirit work. I'll be honest and tell you I'm having a hard time thinking of one. He goes on to say, 
If you are having trouble recounting a time when the Spirit was at work in or around you, perhaps that is because you have been ignoring the Spirit. Perhaps it is because you have a lot of head knowledge about the Spirit, but not much of a relationship with Him. (pp 35-36)
 I've said this for so many years. I'm exceedingly grateful for my Christian upbringing and education, but as someone who was academically driven, I feel like I know so much more about God/the Bible than I've experienced.

I'm admittedly scared of this book. The first chapter was easy. It re-iterated so much of what I've been thinking lately. As I read Acts (I know, I've been reading it for months - I'm not the most faithful Bible reader.), I just keep having all these questions about why the Spirit seemed to be so much more visible and active back then. So I'm hoping this book will answer some of these questions . . . and dare I say it . . . that my life will be changed as a result.

Stay tuned for more notes and reaction to Forgotten God.

One more side-note: we're starting a new semester of Ladies' Bible Study at church on Monday, and we're studying the book Radical. So maybe I'll have some insight on that too, since I never actually wrote a post about it. I know you're all excited. ;-) And, if by chance, you're from the area and want to take part of the discussion, Ladies' Bible Study meets at 7 pm Monday nights at Kent City Baptist Church. You should come. :-)


  1. Hm, I bet having a cheaper house would relieve some stress and open up opportunities... I hope you two can eventually come to an agreement on what's best.

    Orion puked in Olive Garden once :P

    Sounds like Forgotten God is a good book so far. I often feel the same way you described. Knowledge instead of experience. I'm also a horribly unfaithful Bible reader.

    I had fun playing Words With Friends with you!! My beginner's luck didn't hold out long :P

  2. We got the tax credit on our house too, so we're stuck until at least October. Our mortgage isn't too bad by most standards, but we are a little bit "house poor" as Dave Ramsey would say. But I like our house, and since we're finishing the basement this summer it'll be more useful to our size of family. But if we decide to have more than 2 kids...


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