Week 7: Moses

Week 7: Moses
Verse: "When I'm afraid, I will trust in you." Psalm 56:3 (NIRV)

Moses is a major Bible character. There's way too much to cram into one week, so for this unit we focused on 2 parts: the baby in the basket and the burning bush. Here are the activities we did.

On Monday, we read the story of Jochebed putting Moses in the basket and sending him down the river. I looked up The Prince of Egypt on Netflix to show Lucy a clip of Moses catapulting down the river amid hippos and alligators and waves. Not gonna lie. I was fighting back tears watching Moses' mother relinquish him to the river. Can you imagine?! I can't even think about it. We discussed how scared Jochebed must have been, but how she trusted God to take care of her baby. (Verse.)

We went on to make this little game. It's admittedly a little morbid, but Lucy was none the wiser. She just thought it was fun. :-)

I got this idea from a game Lucy was playing online. Basically, Baby Moses starts at the top corner and has to make his way through the "river" down to the palace. The catch is:
You have to watch out for alligators!! (I used my dad's old business cards. Don't mind that. Haha.)
We ended up playing this a couple of ways. First, we just moved Moses along step by step, watching out for alligators and finding a different route every time we ran into one. It's kind of a memory game - you have to remember where the alligators are and avoid them the next time you go through.We also played a 2 player version where we rolled a dice, moved the correct number of spaces, then checked to see if we landed on an alligator. If you land on an alligator you lose a turn. Otherwise you get to go again. Lucy loved it. Here are the pictures I found online: alligatorpalace (Look familiar? Haha - I didn't have much luck when I googled "Egyptian Palace."), baby moses.

While we were on the water theme, we played a little game of "Does it Sink or Does it Float?" We talked about how Moses floated down the river in his basket, filled up the kitchen sink, and found a bunch of things to test out. I used to do this with Lucy at our old house and forgot how much she loved it. She spent an hour and a half playing in the sink the day we did this, and has asked to play the sink/float game every day for the past week!

Final result on the fridge with the Baby Moses painting:
Baby Moses floats!
Then we read about the burning bush, and how Moses was scared to do what God told him. (Verse.) It happens to be fall, and our yard happens to be covered in vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves, so I decided to incorporate them into our lesson. We went on a leaf hunt, then made a burning bush with our finds:

Finally, we talked about how Moses was scared to obey God, but he trusted in Him (verse) and God gave him the power to do amazing things! Lucy's children's Bible highlights the story of Moses' staff turning into a snake. I've been trying to think of a way to incorporate this cool Pinterest project, so I tweaked a little to fit this week.

We pretended that the worms were snakes. Haha. Same idea, right? Here she is doing her experiment:
It was kind of a fail. The worms just bobbed around a little in the vinegar. They didn't do anything too exciting. Maybe we needed more vinegar? Or should've soaked the worms in more baking soda? Let me know if you try it and have more success. I let Lucy put a couple scoops of baking soda straight in the jar of vinegar to watch it fizz and bubble. She enjoyed that the most. 

Stay tuned for a fun week of plagues! Haha. 


  1. Great ideas! I've come to the conclusion that I just need to send my kids to your house for school.


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