VBS Day 2: Abraham

Abraham: I Can Believe God's Promises
Before we start today, I’m going to make you a promise. I promise that there will be a treat at the end of the story. 
 Today’s story is about a man named Abraham and his wife Sarah. Abraham and Sarah loved and obeyed God. They moved away from their home to a new land far away because God told them to. And God made them a big promise. He told them that they would have so many kids and grandkids and great grandkids that they would outnumber the stars in the sky. Have you ever seen how many stars are in the sky at night? That’s a lot of kids! But there was a problem. Abraham and Sarah were getting old and they didn’t have any kids. But they believed God and knew he would keep his promise. They waited and waited and finally they had a baby! Baby Isaac. When Isaac grew up he had two sons named Jacob and Esau, and they had even more kids who had even more kids, and pretty soon Abraham had almost as many kids and grandkids and great grandkids as the stars in the sky! God kept his promise to Abraham just like he keeps his promises to us. Do you know some of the things God has promised us?
Photo Credit and Link to Free Printable

Does everyone remember what I promised at the beginning? A treat! Was it hard to wait? You only had to wait for a few minutes. Abraham had to wait for years and years to get his promise! 

Verse: “The Lord is faithful and will keep all his promises.” Psalm 145:13

"Flannel" board pictures

We kept it pretty simple today with a piece of black paper, a pre-cut image of Abraham, and a sheet of star stickers. I had printed and cut out all the cloud promises from above with the intent of the kids gluing them on the back of their black paper, but they were totally not interested.

"Father Abraham" of course! Thanks to Cedarmont Kids again.

Time Filler
I decided to bring in some play-dough to help fill our 3.5 hours together. However, Lucy only has 4 cups of play-dough, so I got all Pinterest-y and made some. I've tried a few different recipes, but was short on time and supplies, so decided to try the two ingredient "silky soft" play-dough I've seen a million times. It's 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part hair conditioner. Two words: big mess. Haha. It was silky soft, but it wasn't the right consistency for play-dough. I brought in all my mom's cookie cutters for the kids to play with, but the homemade play-dough totally stuck and gooped up. It was gross and ended up coating pretty much every surface in the classroom. I'm so sorry, cleaning crew!

For more VBS ideas (including Noah, Moses, Rahab, and Jesus), go here.
