
The Saturday 7

1. I love working at a school, because kids say the darndest things. I can only imagine the stories teachers have, because I'm with students for a much shorter amount of time per week, but still have some excellent blog fodder. A couple weeks ago, I went down to the second grade classroom to get their library books, and started walking out with my arms full when a girl exclaimed, "Do you work out?!" I'm not sure if she assumed I'm into fitness because of the strength necessary to carry all those books or because of my fit bod, but I took it as a compliment anyway. Never fear, though, before I could let it go to my head, my own child brought me back to reality. I was wearing ankle jeans and my HeyDudes, and Lucy said with a sneer, "You either need longer pants or taller shoes. You have old lady ankles." 🤷 I'm still not sure what constitutes old lady ankles, but I am  an old lady, so it tracks.  A few days later, a little girl was looking at my ID bad

The Saturday 7

Sorry for slacking last week. I didn't have anything to report. 🤷 1. I can finally share the "secret project" I've been working on! A couple friends and I are starting a church library! 🎉 I know, I know. You're all thinking of the moldering church library filled with dusty tomes from the 80s rotting on some shelf in your church's basement. And I won't lie. There's still potential for our library to take that turn. Haha. But we've been researching, visiting other church libraries, scouring used book sales and free book events, creating presentations for the deacon board, and making our poor husbands haul things and build things and become way more involved than they signed up for! We spilled the beans in the church bulletin a couple weeks ago, and started asking for donations. But we've been collecting books on our own for months. We found an affordable Library Management System ( libib , if you're interested), and have entered almost 900

The Saturday 6

Oh man, I need to crank this one out quickly. 1. I spent two days thrifting this week. I found some excellent books, some cute sweaters, and a pair of jeans that actually fit really well. They're Lee brand, and I almost put them back on the rack because I have an aversion to Lee. It's what my mom always wore, and I'm not on board with "mom jeans." Honestly, Lee is probably the new Levi's if trends continue as they have, so maybe I'm ahead of the game! Anyway, thrifting always brings out this weird urge in me to start wearing absurd t-shirts. Is it my age? I don't care what people think about me anymore? Is it the kick I get out of the random shirts I find? I don't know, but the impulse is growing stronger every day. I mean look at these treasures I found this week . . . Seriously, though. This begs so many questions. These shirts were just a few apart from each other. Think the same person brought them in?? Pickleball reference? It's funnier if