The Saturday 7

Another late one this week! So sorry.

1. I spent the day with Justin's mom in Frankenmuth/Birch Run today. We had a blast shopping all day and eating way too much delicious food. I've never been to Frankenmuth before - I didn't know what I was missing! Bronner's is pretty much the coolest place ever. Although I'd like to go sometime in the middle of the summer when it's not a complete madhouse! Haha. Thanks, Donna for a great day!

2. I can't believe Christmas is 2 weeks away! It really snuck up on me this year. I decided I'm going to buy Lucy an ornament every year that represents something she liked that year or something monumental that happened. Last year was "Baby's First Christmas." This is what I got for this year:

A shoe! She loves shoes soooo much that I couldn't pass this one up. :-) When I showed it to her, she immediately put it on the floor and tried to slide her foot into it. Haha. Silly girl.

3. Justin and I wanted to go see a movie last night, but couldn't work it out with a babysitter and the movie times and stuff, so we just got a redbox and junk food and stayed home instead. We made my new favorite chip dip. It's incredibly fattening and bad for you, but sooo addicting and easy: one brick of cream cheese and a can of Hormel chili microwaved to creamy goodness.  Mmmmmm. You should try it.

4. I made these ornaments with Lyla this week:

Picture from

It was super easy! They turned out really well and Lyla thought it was awesome pouring glitter into the balls and then shaking them to spread the glitter around. 

5. Here's another fattening Pinterest recipe I made this week

Picture from
Chocolate chip cookie dough truffles. Yes, they are as amazing as they look. I made them for our Bible Study potluck on Monday. There were leftovers, and I chowed them all down. Haha. They were easy to make, but a little time consuming.

6. Lucy has really been into reading books lately. I absolutely love it. I know I just wrote that she doesn't like to sit on my lap and read, but all of a sudden, she does! She's started doing my absolute favorite thing. If ever I'm sitting on the floor and she wants to read, she gets her book, then stands like a foot in front of me, and backs her little booty up so slowly until she hits me, then plops into my lap. I remember Chase and Lyla doing that too. Love it! Haha. She has 3 Elmo books now that sparked her interest in reading. She wants to read them alllll the time. 

7. One more Lucy thing to report. She officially started singing a song all on her own this week. I noticed her walking around the house the other day waving her arms and singing "ahhhh doooo."  Haha. It took me a while, but I finally realized she's singing "All through the town" - from "Wheels on the Bus." She sang it the entire time we were grocery shopping the other day and sings it all day around the house. Most times she'll gesture for me to join her and she gets the biggest smile on her face. So stinkin' adorable. :-)


  1. Oh it sounds like she's in such a fun stage right now!:)
    I love the ornament you got for her -- so appropriate:)

  2. My college roommate lived near Frankenmuth and she took me there once. Wow what a neat place! And Bronners is pretty sweet, some time I want to go there during the summer and experience a Christmas in July ;)

    I love the ornament idea! Someone mentioned that to me a few weeks ago, I really should think back over the year and find something for Abby...

    My mom used to make those cookie dough truffles for family Christmas parties. Wow, yum!!

    And the books and singing thing is so cute. Gotta love the age these kids are :)

  3. We get our kids an ornament every year too :) Love the shoe!!

    O just sang a song by himself recently too! The Hairbrush song from Veggietales. Ha!

  4. I absolutely LOVE #7. So much to celebrate at this age. ENJOY every moment:)


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