19 Weeks

This picture is blurry but it cracks me up every time I look at it! Lol.

Baby is the size of a mango this week.

How far along? 19 weeks - almost half way!
Total weight loss/gain: +2 lbs again. +7 total. Ugh. I'm gaining faster with this baby than I did with Lucy. Noooooo!
Maternity clothes? Still stretching out a few of my normal shirts, but wearing mostly maternity.
Sleep: I can't get enough sleep this week. So so exhausted all the time.
Best moment this week: Noticing more movement.
Movement: The kicks are starting to get pretty strong! It catches me off guard sometimes.
Food cravings: Burritos, soup.
Food aversions: Nothing.
Gender: Unknown for now. Ultrasound scheduled for September 10! Less than 2 weeks!
Labor Signs: Nothing really, but I started having Braxton Hicks this week. 
Belly Button in or out? Out
What I miss: Being comfortable. 
What I am looking forward to: The big ultrasound!!

Milestones: The onset of Braxton Hicks?

My sciatic has been killing me again lately. Last night I was practically writhing on the couch trying to find a position that didn't send pain shooting from my hip to my ankle. Blech. 

I'm getting nervous that I'm already starting to feel uncomfortable. I just have lots of aches and pains. That's what I get for being so out of shape, I guess. 


  1. Sciatic pain is so miserable!! Stretch! I've found the uncomfortableness comes and goes- there's hope!

    Can't wait for the gender reveal!

    Oh, the baby belly cuteness. I can hardly stand it.


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