The Saturday 7

1. I think part of the reason my depression has lifted recently is because I've been in Christmas planning mode. I actually got a huge portion of my shopping done this week (thanks, Kohl's!). And in the next week or two I get to start planning the Jesus Birthday Party and Advent activities. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

2. I saw something on one of my homeschool facebook groups recently that said, "All homeschool moms start to feel burned out in November. It's not the curriculum, it's not your kids, it's not you. It's 2 full months of school with no break." I was like, "Hallelujah!" Haha. We're taking all of next week off for Thanksgiving, and I'm so excited! I mean, we'll still be together all day every day, and we'll probably drive each other crazy without a schedule, but I'm looking forward to it. We're going to read and do puzzles and watch lots of TV of course. ;-) 

3. Our week off isn't going to be all fun and games, though. I'm also going to attempt a little potty training bootcamp with Levi. Ugh. He'll be three in a few months, he'll always sit on the potty chair for a piece of candy, and Meijer raised their diaper prices! My mom got him some Cars pull-ups and I got some Hot Wheels cars as bribes, so we'll see what happens! Pray for me . . .

4. Speaking of Levi, here's a fun anecdote from our week. Have I ever told you how much I hate grocery shopping with all three kids? It's probably my least favorite thing about homeschooling - the fact that I never have the chance to run errands alone. And I especially hate grocery shopping in the winter. We played the game "how long can we go without groceries" for a few days, but I finally bit the bullet and hauled them all to the store in the snow Thursday after gymnastics. Levi was sitting in the cart eating a free cookie part way through our shopping trip when all of a sudden he started screaming and clutching at his throat: the dreaded puke sign. I parked in the cereal aisle and quickly started rifling through my purse for something to catch it in. Fortunately, I had a roll of mini trash bag type things that you're supposed to use for diapers, so I quickly ripped one off and tucked it under Levi's chin as he started to spew. I caught most of it, but then he panicked and started pushing me away, so the last half of it went down the front of him, into the groceries beneath him in the cart, into my purse tucked on the bottom part of the cart, and on the floor of the cereal aisle. 

Let's just say - thank goodness for baby wipes! And for my fellow Meijer shoppers who are worried about catching the flu from our grocery cart, never fear. It was just Levi being Levi. He was fine once he got it all out and has been his usual manic self ever since!

5. I can't think of anything else. Plus I'm watching a cheesy Christmas movie on Netflix and can't concentrate, so that's it for now. I don't really even have any pictures from this week, but here's what I've got:
Ladybug apple 

Lena's ready for a break from school too. She did NOT want to make the paper plate ladybug that the curriculum called for.

Just because it's so incredibly true. 
