The Saturday 7

1. Two weeks, people! This is getting serious! We are moving in two weeks!
Anyone else hear this in their head every time they hear the phrase "freaking out"? #pbs
I spent five hours cleaning, purging, and packing today, then we hauled it all to the new house. But I still feel like I've hardly made a dent. How do we have SO MUCH STUFF?! I think I packed 6 boxes of "craft supplies" today - that includes stuff we need for school, but seriously! Not to mention the books . . .
Honestly, I think two weeks will be sufficient to finish packing. It just feels like it's happening so fast all of a sudden.

2. We had more abysmal weather this week. The good news is I'm saving on gas because I never leave my house. 🤷 The even better news is we're over halfway through February! My mantra every year is "I just have to make it through February." March will at least bring a few 50 degree days here and there. This was our backyard after another day of snow and gusting wind:
Meanwhile, my beloved mother is in Florida, sending me pictures like this:
Life is not fair.

3. We didn't do anything fun and exciting for Valentine's Day this year. We just had our traditional meal of Velveeta Shells n' Cheese as a family. Justin and I had that one year on Valentine's Day when we were dirt poor and the tradition has stuck. We also went around the table and said what we love about everyone. It was really sweet.

4. On Friday, we had some homeschool friends over for a "Valentine's Day Party." They brought cupcakes and I set out a craft, but mostly the kids played together and the moms had chat time. It was marvelous. Eventually, they did discover the craft. We're learning about India this week, so I found some Henna stencils on Amazon for cheap. I didn't want to pay for Henna paint or have to deal with trying to remove it, so I let the girls use washable markers instead. Levi was astonished and thrilled that I let him write on himself with marker. Lol. It turned out really cute!

5. I've got nothing else. Just enjoy these pictures:

Dog-pile on Daddy!

When I cleaned off these shelves, the kids immediately adopted them as "bunk beds." They love pretending to sleep in them. 


  1. I can't believe you're moving into your HOUSE in two weeks!!!! 😄


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