The "Saturday" 7

I totally forgot about the Saturday 7 until 11:30 last night. My bad.

1. We took Spring Break along with the public schools this week. It was glorious. No schedule. No fighting over school work. No planning or preparing. We only have 6 weeks to go. We can do it!

2. We didn't do anything too fun or exciting for Spring Break. Lucy had a friend over on Monday, I had a friend (and her kids) over on Tuesday, we took walks, played games, and finished out the week at the Pump House with the rest of West Michigan.

3. The older I get, the more I realize how ridiculous it is to live in Michigan. So much of our life is spent under clouds, huddled in our warm houses, spending time and money to remove snow and ice, risking our lives to drive anywhere, and dealing with gloom and darkness. It's been interesting to live in town and see how people start to come out of their houses as the weather gets warmer like ants out of a hill. Everyone and their pasty skin squinting in the sun, raking their yards, and unearthing last year's long-buried outdoor toys. Maybe that last one is just us, and everyone else put their toys away before the snow started to fly, but we went to my parents' yesterday to dig out the toys we left behind and dismantle the trampoline. Justin did most of the work, but I helped carry things and at least tried to put it back together. I am so sore today as a result. Ha!

4. We had a rough week sleep-wise. We've gotten into a bad habit of sitting with Levi until he falls asleep, so if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he won't go back to sleep without one of us sitting by his side. If we're too slow to get up the stairs, he goes into the girls' room, turns on their light, and climbs into Lucy's bunk bed with her. They don't have a lock on their door, and he can open his own door, so I'm somewhat at a loss. Thus anytime he cries out, I book it up the stairs and doze off in the glider until he deigns to join me in glorious sleep. (Usually he deigns much later than I'd prefer.) He was up 2-3 times every night this week and I'm flipping exhausted. Usually around 5 or 6 I give up and pull him in bed with us, whereupon he requests that I turn my face away from him because, "You breath 'tinky" and then proceed to get kicked in the kidneys until he starts shouting, "Time to get up!" Yes, I am subject to a 3 year old dictator of my own making. And yes, I am ashamed. Trust me. Tears have been shed that I don't have better control of my children.

5. Speaking of tears, I tried again this week to potty train Levi. It's another way that I feel woefully inadequate. For everyone who tells me, "Girl, my kids weren't potty trained until 4," there's someone who says, "My kid potty trained himself at 18 months. I think he's had 5 accidents in his whole life." I stopped counting on Wednesday, but I'm pretty sure Levi had more than 10 accidents in one ill-fated day. It's frustrating because this isn't my first attempt to potty train him, and I know I have to do it. I can't just keep putting it off hoping he'll eventually train himself. I have to suck it up and do it. But for some reason, I'm an emotional wreck and can't handle cleaning up mess after mess after mess. I may have laid on the floor next to my bed (where I can't be seen from the door) after Justin got home simply so I could have a break. I told myself I wouldn't buy any more diapers and we were going cold turkey with underwear, but we made a Meijer run after gymnastics on Thursday for the sake of my sanity. Why am I not stronger than this?!

6. Well this has taken a depressing turn. Let me tell you about the books I've been reading. A few months ago I signed up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and discovered Tamara Leigh. She's a big name in the Christian Fiction community, but I've never read anything by her. I started with her Age of Faith series [affiliate link] and then realized that my free trial was up. Of course, I didn't realize that until my credit card was already charged, but even though I cancelled, it lets me keep reading through this month. The Age of Faith series is 8 books long, so I've been feverishly ripping through them before my month is up! Haha. I also finally finished my March non-fiction book (I'm supposed to be reading one non-fiction a month): Spurgeon's Sorrows by Zack Eswine [affiliate link]. It was an interesting account of Charles Spurgeon's struggle with depression as told by Eswine, intertwined with wisdom for overcoming the sorrow. As evidenced by points 4 and 5, it obviously didn't cure what ails me. 🤦

7. Pictures
We took advantage of Spring Break and played on the school playground right down the street from our house (with Lucy's friend Skyler).

Oh this sweet smiley girl. 

A rare moment of sleep.

Getting an up-close look at the excavation of Niki's new pool!

The closest Lucy's ever come to eating an egg (it was a gummy version at the Pump House)

Taking advantage of the nice weather to read outside. 

All these two want to do is run/ride on the sidewalk. Levi will literally run back and forth, back and forth. And still, sleep eludes him!

Justin's mom asked for some updated pictures of the kids, so I snapped these today after lunch:

Lil fish boy

I told you, these poor Michigan kids aren't used to the sun.


Warm weather=windows down=crazy hair!

So excited for this pool!!!
