The Lamest Saturday 7 of All Time

Truth be told, I have very little to say this week.

1. We finished up our second to last week of school. The end is in sight!!!

2. I read the new Becky Wade book in 5 straight hours. (Sweet on You - affiliate link)

3. I found some disturbing news about Alabama state representative John Rogers, got outraged, posted something on facebook, got scared of people yelling me, and deleted it. But go read that article and make your own conclusions. Basically, America is going down in flames.

4. Justin did a lot of work in our basement. I did not realize how involved this whole basement project would be. This week our wonderful friend John came over to do the plumbing. He and Justin let Levi help them fill in the hole with gravel and Levi was in his glories. He was chattering away about how big his muscles are and how he's such a big helper. At one point, I heard Levi declare, "This is fun, John!" I will never get over how different he is than the girls. Lol.
If you look closely, you'll see why "plumbing" is Levi's true calling.
The girls also helped:
Shoveling the gravel 

And today, the guys poured the concrete.

I told you this was going to be the lamest Saturday 7 ever. #watchingconcretedry

5. That's all, folks! Except for these pictures of Levi.
Donut face

Holding Tristan's snake with zero fear

Oh - a picture of Lucy! 

Thinking it's hilarious that he's wearing Lena's sweatshirt

Documenting the dimple 💖
