The Saturday 7

The problem with writing a Tuesday 7 is that I only have 4 days to accumulate 7 more things to talk about on Saturday. Bear with me.

1. The kids went back to Awana on Wednesday. All 3 of mine are old enough to attend, now! I dropped them off at 6:15, went home and enjoyed the peace and quiet for two solid hours! Of course, I spent almost the whole time doing dishes and laundry, but I listened to a podcast and enjoyed the break. Lucy hates Awana, but I don't even care. She's going so I can have my 2 hours of quiet. (And let's be honest. Lucy hates everything.) Levi was a little bit nervous about going for the first time, but he had a blast and came back full of stories about the songs they sang and snacks they ate. Haha.
He refused to pose for a picture, but how cute is that little vest?
2. I tried something new this week as well: Thursday morning Bible Study. I've always gone to our church's Monday night study because my mom and sisters go to that one. But I've been wanting to branch out and get to know some more ladies from church. I also heard they were doing the Experiencing God study, which I've heard amazing things about, so I decided to give it a try. I think I'm going to like it. I think it's something I need at this point in my life. Also, there's childcare provided, so I don't have to worry about that - although my girls were definitely the oldest ones there and they hated it. (See above about Lucy.) Hopefully they won't have to go much longer . . .

3. You guys, what should I do about school? I am so torn. I really don't like homeschooling. My kids really don't like homeschooling. But Christian school is so expensive. I've even thought about public, but I just can't do it yet. I'm not going to get into arguments for or against public school (because I love and respect a lot of people who choose that for their kids), but we don't feel like it's right for our kids. So it comes down to this: I either need to suck it up and keep homeschooling. Or we need to suck it up and fork over thousands of dollars for ACS. I've been in contact with the financial aid committee all week, and they've actually offered us a very generous aid package, but what we'd have to pay still seems out of reach. I have no problem trusting God to provide the money if that's what He has called us to. But I don't want to presume that God will provide for what I want simply because I want it. I've been a Christian for 30 years and I still don't understand how to perceive God's will. I know that our school choice isn't going to make or break our kids, and that he can and will use them no matter where they are. But our school choice could make or break our budget. Is it worth it? Seriously. I do not know what to do. We told ACS that we're taking this weekend to pray about it. Would you pray with us that our decision is made clear? Thank you!

4. This weekend, my parents had a garage sale to help empty their house in preparation for selling. I brought some random junk, and Justin threw in some old tools, so we made $100! But I think I came home with more than I started with. Oops. I'm secretly a hoarder and it killed me to let my dad sell so much cool old stuff (he's a hoarder too - the apple doesn't fall far). It was great to spend a couple days hanging out with my family.
What's a garage sale without a lemonade stand? She made $5 - mostly off my siblings, nephews, and parents who overpaid. Haha.
Adorable little cheeser.
The hoarding gene is strong apparently. Levi was seriously stressing out as he watched me fill a tote with stuff to sell.

Lil' alfalfa! 
5. Today, Justin got a new/bigger/better antenna attached to our roof because the old one didn't really work. Now we get all the local channels. He's excited for football. I'm excited for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!! It's been 6 months since I've watched it!!!

6. Well I thought of 5 things. That's all you're getting this week. Enjoy these pictures:

I love playing hair salon. I lounge in my zero gravity chair and the girls take turns playing with my hair.

Tonight, Niki and Nova were out for a walk and stopped by to invite us to go to the ice cream shop with them. I love these kids:
