The Saturday 7

1. Now that my birthday is over, it's time to start thinking about CHRISTMAS!!! ARE YOU GETTING EXCITED?!?! Really, I'm trying to space out the present buying, so it's not all on one credit card bill. Haha. And truthfully (to my kids' chagrin), we're going to cut back on gifts this year. Their gift is a Christian education. Ha! I'm excited for the first Christmas in our new house, though. And I signed up to be Lucy's room mom, so I've already started thinking about Christmas games and crafts that 4th graders would be interested in. I haven't started listening to Christmas music yet, but it's coming soon . . .

2. I made a new recipe on Monday: Cheesy Potato and Vegetable Chowder. It was deeelicious. I added bacon because everything's better with bacon. I also made bread from scratch for the first time. I used to make it in the bread machine when we lived with my parents, but they wouldn't let me steal theirs and I don't have my own. So I actually did it myself (well, kind of - I used my Kitchen-Aid so I wouldn't have to hand-knead it). It wasn't super great. Haha. But it was good enough to go with soup. Of course none of my kids would eat the soup, so we had tons of leftovers. I ate it every single day for lunch and finished it off by the end of the week! #dutch #wastenotwantnot

3. We stayed home from church on Sunday and I let the girls skip school on Monday because they were both coughing so much. Sunday night, Lena came downstairs begging to sleep in my room. I finally told her she could sleep on the floor, but I immediately regretted it. Even when she was asleep, she coughed non-stop. It was maddening! I got them in to the doctor on Monday because Lucy had been coughing up gunk for 3 weeks. When they took her temperature, they also discovered she had a low-grade fever. That combination earned her a round of antibiotics. She finished it today, and I do think the cough has improved, but it's definitely not gone. Lena's symptoms weren't serious enough to be treated and she's already doing much better. Miraculously, there was no puke throughout the entire week of coughing!!

4. Another miraculous note: Levi randomly agreed to take the melatonin gummies twice this week. The girls took them and he wanted one too. I didn't think much of it. The first night, Justin came up after half an hour and said, "That was easy," but I had already forgotten about the melatonin. The second night, it was half an hour again and we were thanking our lucky stars for two good nights in a row. The third night I forgot to offer it to him and it took over an hour for him to fall asleep. Suddenly it dawned on me that the difference was the melatonin!! You guys were right! This stuff is amazing!!! Unfortunately, the past few nights he's back to refusing to take it. I will never understand the kid . . .
Good thing he's cute!!

5. I've been volunteering in the girls' classes on Friday mornings. Lena adores it, and would like me to follow her around the classroom and hold her hand all day every day. Lucy usually gives me half a grin, but tends to avoid me. This week, Lucy's teacher asked me to work with kids individually in the hall. When it was Lucy's turn to work with me, she had a total meltdown - crying, pouting, stomping, refusing to do the work and angrily hissing, "I don't want to work with you!" I seriously don't understand. I'm nothing but nice about her schoolwork. Is she old enough to be embarrassed of me? (9) I'm not embarrassing! I don't make a scene or act weird. I usually sit at the back table and cut things out without making a peep. It's kind of hard not to take her perceived hatred personally. This coming Friday she has a field trip to the state capital. I signed up to go because in the past she's always wanted me to come with her. After the fiasco yesterday, I asked her "Do you even want me to go on your field trip?" to which she vehemently responded, "No!" And yet, this afternoon she was leaning on my shoulder whining, "I want to do something with you." I'm getting mixed messages . . .

6. Tonight, Justin and I went out for dinner with a gift card I got for my birthday. Justin's parents watched the kids and when we came back to get them, they were playing a game called "Read My Lips." Basically, you have to mouth a word without sound and get people to guess it. I was really good at reading lips - especially my kids' lips. Probably because I do it all day! I'm seriously so deaf that I rely on reading lips to figure out what people are saying. I tell my kids all the time, "Look at me when you're talking." So depressing. #thisis34

7. I hardly took any pictures this week, but I'll see what I can scrounge up . . .
Daddy's hat

And just to uphold my reputation as "real" and "honest", these are the kind of snapchat videos I send my family:
