The Saturday 7

Another Saturday . . . let's see if I can come up with 7 things this week . . .

1. My parents officially closed on both the house they're selling and the one they're buying this week. They have 30 days to be out of their current house, but get possession of the new one in 10 days. Let the moving begin! I've decided not to be sad about it. I'm going to compartmentalize my emotions and look forward to all the firsts in the new house rather than bemoan all the lasts in the old one. I'll let you know how that works out . . . Lol.

2. Levi has had some success with potty training this week. I keep waiting for him to just suddenly decide to be done with diapers - people tell me stories about that all the time - but no luck yet. He is, however, getting better at catching himself instead of peeing a puddle on the floor, so it's a much less messy process. I still get annoyed with changing his barely wet undies and hounding him to use the bathroom every few minutes. I just keep telling myself this is the last time I have to do this. A few more months and we can be seriously done with diapers! (I know, I know, Murphy's law . . . I better shut my mouth.)

3. I have been having some mild baby fever lately. Realistically, I don't want to raise another kid, and my body can't handle another pregnancy, but idealistically, I'd love to be pregnant again. And I'm good at parenting a baby. Haha. I feel so overwhelmed with my parenting inadequacy. I don't know what to do about Lucy's eating habits or anger issues, Lena's anxiety, Levi's naughtiness. But I know what to do with a newborn. You snuggle and feed and change and dress them in those tiny little outfits and hats. And people bring you meals for like two weeks! Never mind the lack of sleep and the pain and the starting all over with a baby, and the diapers!

4. I did that "decade challenge" thing that's been floating around facebook. It's depressing to do a full body pic of me from 10 years ago and today, but when I do a family pic from 2009 and one from this year, it's much sweeter (and explains so much about why my body has changed as much as it has! lol).
10 years ago, Lola was our baby - to the point that we dressed her up for Christmas and included her in our Christmas card photo! 🤣 We had just bought our first house and I was pregnant with Lucy after losing our first baby earlier in the year. So our family was just beginning. Ten years later, here we are with 3 kids, married for 14 years, back in our own house after a [longer than expected] stint with my parents. It's been a pretty awesome decade. I can't even imagine what life will look like 10 years from now! (I'll be 44! 😭 Lucy will be 19!! 😭😭) Oh man, that gives me anxiety just thinking about it!

5. Friday night was our small town's Christmas parade and tree lighting. "Downtown" was packed with people, so I helped out at Sparta Variety again. Sadly, that meant I couldn't sit out in the cold with my kids during the parade, or herd them through the crowds to all the events. (That was sarcasm in case you missed it.) Luckily for them, however, they have a couple awesome aunts who stepped up to fill in! Thanks so much Aunt Niki and Aunt Libby!
Nash was not thrilled with the photo opportunity. 
They met up with another friend, Quinn.

6. We alternate where we go for lunch after church every week, so one week we're at Justin's parents' and the next we're with mine. It's become tradition to play cards at both houses, but the dynamics are very different. Haha. We always play Wizard with the VanderKoddes. A max of six people can play at a time, and Justin's dad keeps us on task. With my family however . . . Many times we play six person euchre, so it's the same amount of people, but much less focused. We also play "O Heck" which is similar to Up and Down the River. Tonight we played with 8 people at once, and I feel the need to immortalize how our games go . . .

Tyler: "Whose deal is it?"
Me: "How many am I dealing?"
Me: "Oops, I got messed up. Count your cards."
Mom: "What's trump?"
Libby: "I'll bid 1."
Braden : "2"
Niki: "Aww, look at the kids playing ring around a rosie. I have to take pictures."

Tyler: I bid 3
Mom: 0
Niki: Is it my bid?
Brandy: 0
Niki: 4
Madi: How many are out?
Niki: Wait, Sade did you bid? Libby, what'd you say?
[We all repeat bids. Various yelling about how Niki writes them down wrong.]
Libby: What's that smell? Did Nash poop?
Brandy to Tristan: Did you feed Charlie? [the dog]
Niki: Whose lead is it?
Me: Libby's. But she went to change Nash.
Tristan: I'm letting Charlie in the house. Prepare yourselves!
[Charlie runs in, kids scream and run around, Charlie prances all over.]
Libby: False alarm. It was just gas. What's trump?
[Play commences.]
Niki: Oh look! Tater's doing it with them now. I need to take a picture.
Sadie: Levi! Be careful! Don't pick Nova up by her head!
Niki: What's trump?
Mom: What did I bid?
Tristan [throwing down his cards]: This game is all luck!
Madi [taking a trick with an ace]: No! I didn't want that one!
Tyler: You bid zero with a lone ace?!
Levi: I want a snack! Get me a snack! Can I have a snack?
Niki: Is it my turn? What led?
Mom: It's Sadie's turn. Where is she?
Sadie (from kitchen): I'm getting Levi a snack!
Braden (on the last trick): Did I get that one?
All: Yes! It's the ace of trump!
Niki: Madi, did you get yours?
Madi: Yes
Mom: Up 10
Tristan: Up 50!
Libby: No no, Nash! Don't put that in your mouth!
Niki: Madi, did you get yours?
Tayton: this game is rigged!
Mom: What's the score?
Niki: Ummm, I'm in first with 75. Tayton's in second with 73.
Tristan: Wait. Tayton didn't get his! How'd he go up?
Niki: Oh, oopsie!
All: This is why Niki always wins! She rigs the scoring!!
Libby: Did you see that article on facebook?
Niki: Oh my word, yes! [whips out phone]
Tyler: Whose deal is it?
Libby, Niki, Sadie, Mom: discussing article on facebook
Brandy: I think it's my deal.
Madi: You dealt last time.
Levi: Charlie! Sit!
[Madi deals cards]
Sadie: I bid 1
Libby: I bid 0
Niki: Wait. Who didn't get their bid last time?

It's so much fun!!! 🤣

7. Pictures
Luke was so excited to have a captive audience that actually appreciates his magic tricks!


Storytime at the library

Sensory play after storytime.
Nash, Ruby, and Levi at the beans table . . . until Ruby started eating the beans.
Lunch time with Ruby

Hamming it up. (Look at all those teeth!)

Multi-tasking with Nash and Ruby

They both loved that book

Lucy helping me tear out 250 sheets of stickers for the preschool curriculum at church

More cuteness at card night tonight.

Lucy looking a bit like Luke with a creepy snapchat filter!
