The "Saturday" Seven

To all of my adoring fans: I am so sorry for the reprehensible delay. I forgot it was Saturday. 🤦 #thatquarantinelife

1. Our Easter went better than expected. Yes, having church online was somewhat anti-climatic, but I kind of think it's another one of those "idols" God is stripping away. Try as we might to keep Easter about Jesus, it becomes about pretty dresses and family gatherings and of course the stupid Easter eggs. And I think I rely too much on church to raise my emotions. I want powerful songs and loud voices. It's good for me to remember that Jesus still rose even if I'm not surrounded by 500 other people singing about it. Haha.

2. And of course we didn't throw all the traditions out the window. The kids got Easter baskets:

I made my first Easter dinner:
It was actually really good!
We even did an Easter egg hunt:

The girls did put on their pretty dresses

3. The rest of the week was pretty "blah." It was too cold to go outside most of the week, and these kids are so full of energy!! There was a lot of this:

4. We got our Trump stimulus money this week, and finally received the unemployment money we applied for 3 weeks ago! We're very, very thankful for it while Justin is off of work. I just read today that our governor is hoping to "ease into" opening up workplaces again - starting with those that present the lowest risk. I'm guessing outdoor construction will be considered pretty low risk, so Justin will likely go back to work at the beginning of May. It'll be good for our budget, but we've all gotten used to having him home! It'll be hard when he goes back! Although sometimes I think he's ready. Especially after moments like these . . .

I got the girls rubber band loom kits for Easter. They've been great time fillers during this season of quarantine, but then this happened. You'd think that by age 4, you'd be able to leave kids alone for more than 15 seconds. Apparently not. Levi found an open bag and literally swung in circles with it over his head. I'm not much of a drinker, but situations like this might drive me to the bottle!!!
That moment when your dad tells you that you have to clean up the mess you made.
5. It's been rough, in general, being quarantined with a 4 year old. I look at my friends with older kids playing games and doing puzzles together. Today in his sermon, our pastor said he's been having awesome theological discussions with his wife and kids every night. I looked at Justin and said, "Why aren't we doing that?" Ohhh, right. Because it's all we can do to keep Levi quiet and occupied long enough to listen to a 30 minute sermon. I tried to do a puzzle last night, but he insisted on climbing on the table and "being a dog" - which means pushing the pieces around with his nose. Then I tried to play a game with the girls, but again, he climbed on the table and knocked the cards all over the place. I get that he's four years old and he needs to run and climb and be a wild boy, but this quarantine/cold weather has not been very conducive to that! 

6. I saw something fun in a facebook group I'm in: your birthday Bible verse. I've never heard of this, but apparently it's a thing. Look up the month and date of your birthday as a chapter and verse of the Bible. Since my birthday is October 10, I looked up chapter 10, verse 10 of all the books of the Bible until I found one that I liked. Some of them were pretty funny taken out of context and applied to myself:
That's me: bent on evil.


You can always find something comforting in Psalms, right? Ummm . . . maybe not.

Covered with shame and destroyed forever? Great!
Note to self: stop grumbling before that destroying angel comes after me!

Hahaha this is actually pretty accurate. You know me and my big words from behind my computer screen, but in person I'm unimpressive and my words amount to nothing.

Second note to self: watch out for honey-flavored scrolls.

This one is good.

But I like this one the best. 
What's yours?

7. Pictures

What would I do without Snapchat to entertain me??

My beautiful indoor plant is blooming!
This week, a few of my friends started an accountability group to reign in the bad quarantine eating habits. I respectfully declined their invitation. In a time of social isolation, anxiety, and uncertainty, I'm not about to take away one of the few things bringing me joy!
Hot fudge and bananas (it's fruit, so it counts as healthy)

Hot fudge sundae
McDonald's shake. (Not pictured: fries)

I'd like to blame my flab on quarantine, but let's be honest. I looked like that ^ before this even started. Lol!

It's ok, though, because yesterday it finally made it over 50 degrees so we went for a family bike ride/walk.

Lena lost another tooth!

Watching the Disney Family sing-a-long. (I was the only one who was interested and/or sang along in my family. The rest of my family was feeling like Christina's dog.)

Not gonna touch this whole argument with a 10 foot pole, but thought this meme was hilarious.

At least I haven't gotten any texts from our neighbors yet!
