The Saturday 7

 1. Sunday was Levi's birthday (or as close as we can get during a non-Leap year). We celebrated before church with cinnamon rolls and presents.

Lena made him the sweetest card and gave him $2 of her own money. 💗

Then after church, we celebrated with my family.

At school on Tuesday, he got to be the birthday king for the day.

2. I did lots of schoolwork this week. The semester is winding down and I've had a couple big assignments. I'm really enjoying it, though. I love the excuse to write essays and do research. Next semester, I'm taking Children's Lit, which I'm super excited about. But I'm also taking "Access and Outreach Services" which is an introductory class about library services like interlibrary loan and public library outreach services including customer service. Yikes. And I'm taking Reference and Information Systems, which is a 200 level class, and I'm worried it's going to be a lot of work. Haha. It's 15 credits total, so I'm going to have to get serious about my time management on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Levi's at school. No more naps or thrift shopping! 😂 

3. I think I wrote about the book Mama Bear Apologetics a few weeks ago. I started reading it before we left for Florida and loved it, but then I got distracted and didn't pick it up again until this week. Y'all. It is so good. Like, I'm thinking about hosting a study on it when I finish because I think it's such important information, and I want to discuss it with like minded moms! Remember how I bragged last week about getting more confident in social situations now that I'm the ripe old age of 35? Well hosting a study like this would require a whole new level of confidence that I don't think I'll achieve until at least 40. That's why I say "I'm thinking about it." I'll let you know if I decide to actually commit. Lol.

4. I forgot to mention last week that my step-grandma died while we were in Florida. My real grandma died in 1998 and Grandpa remarried a few years later. Grandma Lois was a perfectly lovely woman, but we were not at all close to them and only saw them a couple times a year for the first few years. In recent years, we've seen them more like once every three years. Anyway, all that's to say that Grandpa is 95 years old with some significant memory problems, so it's not safe for him to live alone. By the time we got home from Florida, he was all moved in with my parents! I'm happy for the chance to get to know him again, and I'm happy my kids will have the chance to know him. It's strange that my kids lost one great-grandpa at the end of January (the only one they had even a semblance of a relationship with), but gained one at the end of February. 

5. I really don't have anything else to write about this week. Here are a couple more pictures of Levi. Apparently he's the only one I took pics of this week!
Holding Saylor for the first time.

Cheeks for dayzzzzz
