The Saturday 7: The Lamest Spring Break that Ever Was Edition

1. We had a very disappointing Spring Break. The weather was absolutely abysmal (isn't abysmal a great word?) and then we all came down with nasty colds so we didn't feel like we could go places or do things lest people think we were spreading Covid all over the place. We did get to see a bunch of cousins since I did some babysitting for my sisters/niece. I was going to take the kids to see a movie on Wednesday, but there wasn't a single kids' movie playing that day! Worst spring break ever. 

2. So we spent the week sleeping in, watching a lot of TV (Levi's on a "How to Train Your Dragon" kick), and doing puzzles. I bought a combo pack of 6 puzzles when I went thrifting last weekend. We got almost all of them done this week. 

The 6th one is currently in progress. I took this pic before we started it.

3. We also played games, did crafts, and even re-organized the linen closet.

Nashy and his concentrating face 😋

I threw away so much expired medication - the oldest expired in 2010! 😂

4. By Thursday, most of us were feeling well enough to go to Great Grandma's and swim in her indoor pool. 
Uncle Jesse came too, which made Levi's day

He's a good sport. 😁

5. I officially started my final semester of college this week. Math has been fairly easy so far.

Hopefully that will continue. My final library class is about archives and special collections. I think it'll be really interesting. And I've enjoyed my Child Development class more than I expected to. Some of the studies I've been reading are fascinating. Like this gem . . .
This was written pre-Covid. Imagine how much worse it is now. What a time to be alive. 

And I was especially struck by the role of mothers in risk factors for kids:
That note "nothing about the dads?" is my observation. Haha. I was surprised "absent father" wasn't one of the risk factors. Instead, it's all on us moms to have positive interactions with our kids, be affectionate, and not work long hours. 

As for positive things that decrease the likelihood of poor outcomes in children - again, it's on the moms to be warm and nurturing. Yikes. I'm not sure how warm or nurturing I am. At least the dads were mentioned in this section. 

6. Tonight, my mom graciously offered to watch the kids so Justin and I could go on a date. Of course the we couldn't think of anything to do. Haha. I have some ideas, but they're all outside. This abysmal weather does not lend itself well to outdoor dates. We ended up at Olive Garden because we had a gift card (and because #alfredo - need I say more?). Then we were going to go see the new Sandra Bullock/Channing Tatum movie, but the only available seats were in the front row, and I'm too old and cantankerous for that. So we just ran to Target for pop and cough drops, drove through McDonald's for ice cream, then came home like the old fuddie duddies we are. 

7. Pictures
When we were in Florida, one of the neighbors caught wind of Levi's love for Hot Wheels cars. Apparently he's downsizing his belongings and sent home a bag full for Levi with Justin's parents when they came home last week! So sweet. 

Grandpa and Levi approved

At least I got third. Maybe next year, Villanova!
