It's Saturday

Just pics and memes this week.

1. Halloween: it snowed and was in the 30s. We met up with the cousins at Niki's for obscene amounts of candy (y'all really need to trick or treat at her house if you're in the area!) and snacks. 

Lucy's officially too old for trick or treating, but she was a good sport about joining the kids for a picture at least.

Then we trick or treated on our street with the cousins who wanted to brave the weather.

Then we met up with Jesse and hit up trunk or treat at a church in town for hot dogs and more candy. We went around the block, but Lena was freezing and done, so we called it a night and went home. Levi immediately enlisted Jesse to help him organize his haul.

That's all I've got for this week, so enjoy these pics and memes:

We went to Red Robin for lunch on Sunday to stack my birthday burger with a birthday gift card. A little snapchat fun to keep the kids entertained while we waited for our food . . .

Levi with my library cart

Now that soccer's done, I've been trying to make dinner more often. This was a new recipe that was meh as usual.

This will only be funny if you know your Song of Solomon. 😂
