The Saturday 7

1. While we were putting up our tree last week Stella was largely uninterested. By that night, though, when all the wild kids were in bed and she was free to explore, she discovered that she loves it and has a strong instinct to climb it. 🤦

We've spent all week pulling her out of it, and re-hanging the ornaments she knocks down. We actually put some ten pound weights on the base of the tree so she won't knock the whole thing over. But she has bent a bunch of the branches and left big holes. I seriously don't know how to keep her out of it. 

2. I'm pretty much done with my Christmas shopping already. Justin and I agreed not to buy each other gifts since we're going to Florida in January. And I spent all my budget on the kids during November's Black "Friday" sales. So now I just have to organize and wrap everything. I don't mind wrapping. The hardest part is just making sure the kids get an equal number of gifts. Lucy was the easiest this year because she had a list a mile long. Levi was the hardest, because he doesn't actually play with toys. 🤷

3. We started our "Advent Activities" on Friday. I started this with Lucy 11 years ago, and didn't realize I was locking myself in for life. Haha. Truly I wouldn't change it, though. This is one of those ways I can use my gifts in motherhood. I love planning and preparing and coming up with creative ideas. We don't do Santa or the Elf on the Shelf, so Lena always begs me to move the Wise Men every night. I write a little note explaining what that day's activity will be to put with them in their various locations. 

4. Our first Advent Activity was a two-in-one. First up was Levi's Christmas program at school:
He's on the top row - middle/left

After the show we tried out the new pizza place in town. It was ridiculously expensive, but the food was decent. We probably won't go again just because of the prices. Sorry, kids. Only Little Caesar's for you. 
This is probably one of the only activities Lucy will voluntarily join in on. 

5. Today we watched Nova for a few hours, and I pulled out the gingerbread house kits I bought on clearance last year. Nova got bored quickly, but Lena and Levi loved it.

I seriously don't understand how he ended up so covered in frosting. He's talented.

I can NOT get him to smile naturally lately.

6. After the houses were complete, they decided to try some "three person yoga poses." Lol. It was entertaining for all involved.

7. Pics and memes. 
My sweet sister had a couple extra mini-trees that she donated to Lena and Levi. They're in love.

Just a normal night at our house.

This one was timely because of the facebook post I screenshotted earlier this week:

Made me chuckle

From my cousin Steph

Another random one that made me laugh

 I happened to catch her performance live and I was just waiting for this meme to come out!

Except our pizza cost way more than $33. 🤦
