Formula is Evil!
Did I get your attention? ;-) I've been meaning to note that I don't really hate formula as much as I may have let on in my posts about Lena's weight gain/"failure to thrive." I don't want any of my formula-feeding-friends to feel like I'm looking down on you. I couldn't care less how you choose to feed your baby. I, personally, love breastfeeding, and I just hated that I felt like formula-feeding was being pushed on me by my doctor. Formula is a Godsend for women who can't or don't want to breastfeed, and I like having it as an option to fall back on. At least I did . . . I'm terrible at building a frozen milk stash. I'm home all the time, so it's not too necessary. And I have yet to figure out when I'm supposed to pump when I breastfeed for every feeding. Anyway, we have a wedding coming up and the girls are going to Justin's parents'. I don't want to worry about having enough frozen milk and I don't want t...