2013 in Review

1. We welcomed Lena Kay on January 23, almost exactly a year after my last miscarriage.

2. I finally achieved my dream of  becoming a full time stay at home mom. It has not been without its challenges, but it sure is nice to not have to go to work every day! :-)

3. We packed up our entire house in one week and moved in with my parents!

4. Lucy and I worked our way through the alphabet, doing crafts and activities along the way.

5. Lucy had her second trip to the ER. Diagnosis: nursemaid's elbow.
6. I went on my first official diet and lost 9 pounds, then gave up. I also started a running plan and gave up after 2 weeks.

7. We took Lucy's binkies away when she turned 3. 
It was rough.
8. We made and completed a summer bucket list.

9. Justin and I celebrated our 8th anniversary!

10. Discovered Lucy is allergic to soybean oil (through trial and error - not legitimate allergy testing).

11. I signed up for daily emails from Proverbs 31 ministries and have loved so many of the devotionals. Here is an excerpt from one of my favorites. I have this saved in a word file on my computer and read it often:
Sometimes I do this because I'm in a desperate place. I pray, "God, I am here and I need You right now. I'm feeling attacked, invaded, pressed and stressed. Please meet me here and help me process what I'm facing using Your truth. I don't want this thing I'm facing to be processed through my selfishness and insecurity. I will surely act in a displeasing and dishonoring way if I'm left to face this on my own. Block my natural reaction and fill me with Your Spirit. Please handle this for me. You speak what needs to be spoken and give me the power to hold my tongue for what needs to be left in silence." http://proverbs31.org/devotions/devo/the-secret-place/
12. Lucy learned her first Bible verses.

13. Justin got baptized.

14. Lena and I were featured in an Artprize Piece by my friend Bethany!

15. An article I wrote for Bethany got published on Life News!

16. Lucy stopped napping. :-(

17. We visited Justin's sister, Kaley, in Chicago. 

18. Justin and I attended our 10 year class reunion.

My New Year's Resolutions are to lose some weight and read through the Bible - for real this time. My first step to losing weight is to give up Dr Pepper for the month of January. Boo. I'm gonna be ornery. 

Here's to a great 2014!!


  1. that's an awesome prayer...some people have such a way with words! Mine would have been a sentence and a half!


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