The Saturday 7

1. The story of this week is: horrendous back pain. It started last week, but by Sunday it was unbearable. It was up in my ribs, down in my SI joints, my hips, even wrapping around to the front. By Monday, it had mostly settled into my SI joints. I felt like 600 pound weights were pushing down on my bones anytime I was standing upright. And getting to the upright position resulted in mind-numbing stabbing pain. I actually found myself holding my breath randomly throughout the day because apparently that's how I react to pain. (I remember doing the same thing while having contractions with Levi.) I tried ibuprofen and ice and rest, but finally got in to the chiropractor Monday evening. I haven't been to the chiro since Levi was a newborn, so it's been over 4 years. I went back to the same guy, so I could avoid the "initial exam," but he was super busy. He didn't really evaluate any of my problems, just did a "general adjustment" and sent me on my way in just as much pain as when I came in. I know these things take time. I didn't actually expect to leave totally cured, but I was disappointed not to get any relief. He told me to schedule x-rays so we could figure out what's going on, but he couldn't get me in 'til August 14! 

2. On Tuesday, I called around the chiropractors closer to my house. Neither of them take our insurance, but I don't even care. I made an appointment with the one that had the earliest opening - which happened to be half an hour after I called. I shuttled my kids over to Niki's house, then limped into the new chiro. Of course he had to give me the whole spiel. Are all chiropractors so hardcore? Haha. I almost got up and left when he said "Pain is caused by the three T's - the first is 'thoughts.' Negative thoughts lead to pain." Oy. Well no wonder I have such problems. Lol. Eventually, he did a newfangled nerve-testy thing on me that measured my nerve responses on each vertebrate . . . or something. All I know is that I failed miserably. My SI joints were locked, my lumbar region is totally out of whack, and my neck is out of control. Of course, he said that one of my worst areas is very high on my spine - practically touching my brain stem. And any damage near the brain stem can cause depression, anxiety, appetite problems, hormonal disregulation, etc., etc. So basically, if I pay up for his big plan, I'm going to be happy, skinny, healthy, wealthy, and wise. #takemymoney 

Truth be told, though, after 3 adjustments (three days in a row), my pain was almost gone. He's closed on Fridays, so I didn't go yesterday, and today I'm in agony again. Ugh. I'll be back on Monday! 

3. Ok, enough about that. Lucy had her long-awaited hair detangling appointment on Monday. It did not go super well . . . Poor Julie worked on it for 3 hours, and only got through one of the masses. (There were two major sections.) She gave me some suggestions on how to do it myself, but Lucy refuses to let me touch it. Enter . . . the best grandma and aunt ever. They each worked on it for hours this week.

Finally, yesterday it looked like this:
Praise the Lord!

It's been one day, but so far she's excited to take care of it. She's been brushing it and putting product in it, so hopefully we'll never go back to that terrible place again. Many, many thanks to Niki and my mom!!

4. On Wednesday, Justin and I celebrated our official 15th anniversary. We did our big trip to Ludington last month, but managed to squeeze in a little anniversary dinner on the actual date. I had spent all day prepping for a garage sale and powering through atrocious back pain, while Justin worked then came home and mowed the lawn. We dropped off our garage sale stuff and our kids to my parents, then tried out a restaurant in town that we've never been to. It was good, but overpriced. And we never even thought to take a picture. Here we are on that day 15 years ago, though:

Justin got me candy and some beautiful roses. I got him nothing. Oops. Although the day before our anniversary, a brand new TV showed up on our doorstep that he apparently bought himself, so I'm calling that his present. Haha.

5. I had high hopes of finally purging some of the kids' toys for the garage sale. I've actually been hiding stuff away in closets for months, but once I pulled it all out, Levi was suddenly very attached to everything. Ugh. I still managed to get rid of some stuff, and made over $100, which was my goal. #bigmoney And the kids adore having a garage sale. Lena had big dreams of a lemonade and cookie stand. But she doesn't have the patience to sit there and wait for customers. Haha. I think she made like $3. 
She sure looked cute, though!

My favorite part about having a garage sale is hanging out with my parents, sisters, and our brood of kids.

Levi cried (wailed) for half an hour when that dog sold. If I'd known he was that in love with it, I'd have bought it myself (it came from my parents' neighbors). When he saw someone else carrying it off, he begged me to follow them home and take it back. 

7. Pictures
Storytime with Lena

A little bedtime reading

Cousin fun

My highest scoring word ever.

This week's neighborhood excitement

Lena had a dentist appointment on Thursday. Somehow she still came home like this . . .

And this is what happens when Mom spends the week in debilitating back pain and preparing for/recovering from a garage sale. 

I spent an hour and a half doing dishes today, but it already looks like this again because not everything fit in the dishwasher, and then the girls helped me make dinner. 🤦 

Tayton's girlfriend, Madi, killing it in pool volleyball. Look at that form! (Never mind that the ball is behind her, so she apparently missed it. Lol.) 
