The Saturday 7

1. October is going out in style at our house: This picture is from earlier this week. After last night's freezing temps, all of those leaves are on the ground today. Haha. After a rough year, October was good to us. No accumulating snow, mild temperatures, and the nicest Halloween I ever remember. And as much as I hate winter, I'm ready to move on . . . to Christmas! Lena made this on Tuesday. š 2. Levi has been sleeping slightly better this week! Saturday night was rough, and he was up for a few hours in the middle of the night. But since then, he's gone straight to his spot on the floor when he comes in our room (which is every night). One night he came in around 3 a.m. and begged to sleep in bed with me for a long time. I told him he could when Justin got up to go to work. Levi periodically asked, "Did daddy get up yet?" for a couple hours, but slept in between. And most other nights, he only asks to get in bed once or twice. He usually asks me to cover him u...