The Saturday 7: Speed Version

Justin and I are about to start a movie (at 10:30! We're so young and hip!), but I dare not leave my loyal readers waiting. So here's the condensed 7.

1. The girls hosted a sleepover Sunday night. Not much sleep was had. They didn't fall asleep 'til 2:00 a.m.! But everyone had a blast. There was swimming and baking and crafting and giggling galore. 

2. On Tuesday, the cousins crew headed to Millennium Park. I'd never been there before, and was impressed with the facilities. The beach is clean and large enough for people to spread out, and the splash pad was great. We could've stayed longer than we did, but had to hurry home for Levi's dr. appt. 

These two would NOT look at the camera at the same time.

3. On Wednesday, we stayed home for some much needed rest, laundry, and cleaning. It was 90* but Lena got the idea in her head to make sugar cookies. I told her that I was not going to help her, thinking it'd deter her, but she forged ahead. And guess who helped roll out and cut the dough and cleaned up all the mess? #thisgirl 

The neighbor girl came over to play with Levi later that day. She asked if she could have a cookie and Levi gave her that one ^. Lena cried for hours. 

4. Levi and Lucy both had doctor's appointments this week. Levi's BMI is in the 99th percentile. 🤦 I won't share Lucy's, but the doctor had some hard questions for Lucy about her food choices. She ended up writing us a referral for a counselor who specializes in food disorders. Lucy insists it's not an anxiety thing, but she also won't eat anything but macaroni, pizza, and Doritos. I seriously don't know what she's going to bring for lunch every day in the fall. Other than that, they're both healthy, and thankfully Levi didn't have to get any shots, so I didn't have to chase him through hallways and pin him down like last time. 🙄
I bought that shirt on super clearance months ago because I liked the saying. But he's never actually worn it, because it's white. I'm glad I got at least this one picture of it before he ate a bowl full of strawberries later that day and somehow ended up with more on his shirt than in his mouth. 

5. Thursday was Justin's and my 16th wedding anniversary. As I told him tonight, "I've been really mad at you plenty of times over the past 16 years, but I've never actually come close to thinking I wanted to divorce you. That's pretty good, right?" Haha. We didn't do anything on our actual anniversary. Actually, he bought me roses and candy. I . . . did his laundry. 🤷 But tonight we pawned the kids off on my parents and went on a hot date to Red Robin, Kohls, and Meijer. Then we drove out to Lake Michigan to watch the sun set, but it was pure cloud cover and we didn't see the sun at all. 

6. That's all I've got. Here's a couple more pictures:

Organizing all my notes for the final paper I have to write this week. 

Making good use of those 10 pounds of blueberries!
