The Saturday 7

Another exciting summer week!

1. I went blueberry picking for the first time ever. Actually, when I was a kid, my dad tried growing blueberries. They didn't take very well in our soil, so they didn't last long. But when I popped that first fresh-from-the-bush blueberry in my mouth this week, I was immediately transported to those old blueberry bushes at my parents' house. It's funny how senses can evoke memories. Anyway, I got desperately lost driving to the blueberry . . . patch? farm? Stinkin' Google Maps led me astray. But once we got there, we had a grand old time. Of course, we made it a cousins affair (minus Nash and Saylor who were camping). 

After half an hour or so of picking, I asked Nova to show me her bucket. When I asked her why it was empty she said, "I ate them all." Lol

The haul!
I ended up with about 10 pounds. I froze the majority of them and now have to figure out what to do with them all!

2. On Wednesday we met up with Justin's grandma and some cousins at the zoo! I also had Nova that day, so I packed lunches and drinks and the stroller, hustled the kids in the car, and drove the 25 minutes to the zoo. As we were getting out of the car, Levi said, "Wait. Where are my shoes?" 

My van is always full of clothes, shoes, snacks, and other sundry things, but for once there weren't any old shoes hiding under seats or buried in the trunk!

The gift shop is right off the entrance to the zoo, so we went there first. No luck. He was freaking out about walking barefoot, though, and is way too heavy for me to push in the stroller (not to mention we brought the stroller for Nova, and she was not cool with Levi using it instead). As we were walking out of the gift shop, I noticed the novelty socks. So I grabbed a pair, paid $9 for them, and shoved them onto Levi's sweaty feet. He was pacified and wore them the rest of the day. At least until we got in the car after the zoo. Then he promptly took them off, said, "These have holes in them already" and threw them in the trash. Lol.

Other than the shoe debacle/parenting fail we had a great time at the zoo!

3. On Thursday, I had an eye doctor appointment. I tried out a new place and they dilated my eyes for the first time ever. That was a strange experience. At first, it was just slightly blurry vision, but once I went out to my car I realized what they meant by "light sensitivity." Wowza. I also had no idea it would affect my close-vision so much. I literally could not read the words on my phone. No matter how I squinted or changed my screen brightness, it was just a blob. So weird. But the good news is my vision hasn't changed much in the five years since I last went to the eye doctor, and I got free glasses through my insurance! One step closer to my career as a librarian. 
They actually look a lot like those ones. Ha! I just googled "librarian glasses" and this image popped up. It's labeled "librarian dressed as a nerd." Lol. I told Justin I feel like all glasses these days are so nerdy, but I know that's what's in style! #embracethenerdiness 

4. That night, the girls got to go to Niki's annual summer sleepover, and Levi was very upset that it was girls only. So I told him we could do something fun and he chose mini golfing. Neither Justin nor I could remember the last time we went mini golfing, but Levi's never been. He was a hoot and we had lots of fun.

There was lots of this. Haha.

The best part was at the end, he said "who won?" I read off the scores and said, "You got the highest score!" He was so excited. 😂 On the way home, Justin said, "Should we break it to him how golf scoring works?" and I said, "Absolutely not!" Lol. 

5. Friday morning while the girls were still at the sleepover, I dug out Levi's "summer packet" and his art kit and sat him at the table with me while I did some schoolwork.
Stinkin' autocorrect 😒

I've actually been plowing through my summer classes and have gotten a little ahead in most of them. Whew! Breathing room! Oddly enough, I'm doing the best in Health and Wellness. Haha. It's just very straightforward and the professor is not strict about anything. I'm doing the worst in my Microsoft Word class because it is soooo nitpicky. The assignments are submitted to an auto-grader and it picks up every tiny mistake. Yesterday, I typed CSS instead of CCS and it took off 3 points! I'm still getting a 95 in the class, though, so I'm not too worried. My English professor is still getting under my skin, and I'm starting to feel less confident about my ability to write the final paper. Maybe it's good for me to be humbled a bit, but I think he's over-critical and it irritates me. Lol. 

6. Of course my commitment to school has come at the expense of housework, laundry, and meal making. It doesn't help that summer break is winding down and I'm so over the constant mess and "what can I eat?" and "why didn't you wash these shorts that have been lying on my bedroom floor for weeks?"  


6. Pics

Lena has been really into the game "Wits and Wagers" lately.

