The Saturday 7

1. We started this week by celebrating Levi's 6th birthday. On Sunday after church we had family over for pizza, cake, and presents. 

Remember how I was busy last week so I asked Justin to take Levi to pick out a cake? Apparently Levi wanted an oreo cake, but not a round one, and he wanted his name on it. So this was the compromise. 😂

Feeling a little nervous/shy about everyone singing to him. 

Traditional morning birthday display.

The next morning, on his birthday, he actually slept in his bed all night and was still asleep when I got up to get ready, so he got to have breakfast in bed! I think that's a first for him. 

Birthday crown and cookie at school

Finally, time to unwrap presents!

One of his favorite presents was this one: a train that spits out dominoes as it drives. The best part? I got it at Once Upon's 90% off sale months ago for 45 cents! Lol

Dinner of his choice: McDonald's. #dreambig

Still my baby when he's sleeping. 😍😭

2. I had my second 4-day workweek and realized that working really gets in the way of my texting time. I guess I didn't realize how much my sisters and I communicate throughout the day until I'm unable to respond. At one point, I was reading a story to the first graders and my phone was on the desk behind me buzzing nonstop. It's very bad for my FOMO. Only one more week of full-time, then I'll be back to having my phone glued to my hand, and responding instantaneously. [#healthyhabits] Although, I really will be sad to spend less time working in the library. Most days as the clock gets closer to 3:00, I think, "No! I'm not ready to go yet! I still want to organize this section or work on some more MARC records!" #dreamjob #nerdalert

3. Good news! I'm about to be more qualified for said dream job, because I got word this week that my graduation application has been accepted, my ducks are all in a row, and as long as I pass this semester's classes and the three I'm signed up for next semester, I will officially be a college graduate! It only took me 19 years . . . to get my associate's . . . 😂 

4. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm famous now. I got up in front of church to give an announcement on Sunday . . . and our services stream live on YouTube, so I'm pretty sure the whole world saw me. Again, this is one of those things that I feel like I'm coming into my own a little bit about. A few years ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of standing up in front of 400 people and speaking into a microphone. But the older I get, the less I care what people think of me, and the more confident I am in my abilities. Of course, I had written down everything I wanted to say. I'm even more confident in my writing abilities than my speaking abilities, so I knew that if I had my carefully written notes, I could do it. Bam. Famous. For inquiring minds, the announcement was for the moms' group my cousin and friend and I started. We've been meeting for about a year and promoting ourselves via facebook, but we just started a new book so I wanted to cast the net a little farther and reel in some more interest (I think I'm mixing my fishing metaphors . . .). 

5. One of the new ladies who came as a result of my announcement is Jen. I didn't recognize her at first and when I told her that she said, "Actually, I think we do know each other" and I started to panic a little bit. Haha. Nothing like telling someone "I don't know you" and finding out you go way back. But once she reminded me that we met in driver's training, I didn't feel so bad for not recognizing her. That was over 20 years ago! 😳 How is that possible?? I was impressed that she recognized me! Although, she had the benefit of knowing my name, and it's kind of distinct. #notadog 

6. Today was our one rare glimpse of spring that happens every year in March - a random 60 degree day that won't last, but reminds us that winter can't go on forever and there is an end in sight. The kids played outside allllll day . . . which is a huge deal for my couch potatoes. Don't get me wrong. They did a few hours of screen time this morning before it warmed up, but then they rode bikes, made scavenger hunts for each other, shot hoops, made up gymnastics routines, drove remote controlled cars on the sidewalk, and jumped on the trampoline together. I even walked them down to the park where Levi jumped in every mud puddle he could find (there were many), and the girls pretended to film music videos. Haha. We opened the windows and let in some fresh air, and Lucy declared the smell of spring to be "the best smell in the world." Tonight, a cold front is blowing in. (Literally. We're under a "high wind warning.") And we're slated to get inches of snow again on Monday. But today gave us hope. Thank you, Jesus.

7. I don't have many pictures this week . . .

Levi has been really into puzzles lately, so my mom got him a couple of big ones for his birthday. It became quite the family affair this week!

That comment . . .😂😂😂
