The Saturday 7

1. We left camping a day early last week because two nights is enough for me. Haha. Plus, the weather was chilly, and there's not much to do at the campground when it's not warm enough to swim. So we came home Sunday night and I was never so happy to take a shower in my bathroom and sleep in my bed. Then on Monday, we went to Niki's to swim in her pool that was warmer than the air. Haha. I've gotten really bad about taking pictures lately, so there's not photographic evidence. 

2. We had some excitement in our neighborhood this week. On Tuesday night we were all sitting at the dinner table with the slider and windows open, when all of a sudden there was a huge bang. We looked outside and saw our neighbor standing by his garage with a gun in his hands! 😬 But no one was hurt. His girlfriend was out there and she wasn't screaming or appearing afraid. I heard her say something about, "Well the neighbors are going to call the cops," but since she didn't seem afraid for her life, I just wrote it off as a stupid idea to shoot a gun in town and went on my merry way. The next day, however, I noticed a bunch of police cars on our street and two policemen in the neighbor's driveway talking to the girlfriend!

(Don't mind my filthy window.)

So I opened my windows and eavesdropped to try and ascertain what was going on. After a while, there was a knock on my door and one of the officers was standing on my doorstep! He wanted to know if I'd seen or heard anything suspicious the night before, so I had to give a statement! He told me that they weren't concerned for our safety, but they were searching for our neighbor and his gun. Later on, I saw them walk away with the gun, so apparently they found it. And the neighbor came home that night and went inside like nothing was wrong. 

Today, the girlfriend saw me outside and motioned me over. She showed me where the bullet hit the side of their house, said our neighbor is in jail (but will be getting out in 3 weeks), and she's moving out tonight! What happened to my safe little neighborhood?? 

3. Wednesday night was the kickoff for our church's new children's ministry: Arise. I'm the official media coordinator (a title I bestowed on myself), so I got a sneak peek at the material and the plans for the year. It looked so cool that I decided to make my kids sign up. (Just the younger two. Lucy goes to youth group now.) Levi was fine with it, but Lena was a wreck, of course. I finally agreed to stay with her for the first half and stay in the building for the second half and she made it through. Maybe in a few months she'll be comfortable enough to stay without me, and Justin and I can drop off all three kids and go out to dinner or something!

4. It was actually a crazy week for us. We had something going every single night. Well Monday was Labor Day, but we were at Niki's most of the day. Then Tuesday night Levi had practice/Justin had an away game. Wednesday night was Arise. Thursday night Justin had a home game, so we all went to that. And Friday night was the school carnival, Justin had an away game, and I had a Ladies' Scavenger Hunt at church. My mom had to step in and help with some of the overlap since the scavenger hunt started before Justin was home from his game! As a result of our crazy schedule, I only made dinner once this week! I love not cooking. Too bad we can't afford to go out to eat every night! Haha. Although if grocery prices keep rising, we might as well. I want to cry every time I check out at Meijer. 😭

5. In another exciting turn of events this week, as I was leaving the scavenger hunt yesterday, my brakes went out! I did think as I was driving to church earlier in the day that they were feeling kind of "loose," but when I made it to the end of the church driveway to pull out into the road, I had to smash the pedal all the way to the floor before it started to slow down at all! Thankfully, I had my cousin Esther with me and she lives a mile from church. I made it to her house - or rather, her father-in-law's house (he lives right behind her), and then she drove me home. I was so stressed all night about coming up with money to pay for new brakes, and just kept praying that God would provide and I would trust him.

Esther texted me this morning that Tom took a look at my van and my brake fluid was empty. Apparently it's been leaking from a faulty caliper for a while. He refilled it and sealed the leak! And when I tried to give him some cash for the new brake fluid/his trouble, he refused it! Thank you, Lord, for simple fixes, and generous friends!!! 

6. Today was Levi's first soccer game of the fall season. He's not real aggressive, and he didn't enjoy playing in the heat, but it was still fun to watch. We're not crazy sports parents and don't expect him to be the best. I just want him to be involved in a physical activity that he can enjoy so he doesn't become a permanent couch potato like me. 

He's by the girl in the back of this picture. 

7. I seriously didn't take any other pictures this week! I've been slacking! Something exciting is happening tomorrow, but you'll have to wait 'til next week to hear about it. I'll try to remember to take pictures. 😉
